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Concerning sentence diagramming

La Condessa

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Here's my question:

Why do sentence diagramming with an elementary student, and why the method in FLL?


I did not learn English grammar at all in public school. As a linguistics major in college I learned sentence diagramming, but with a different method than that used in FLL. (And, at least to me, the method I learned seems easier to understand than the FLL way.) So I'm wondering what purpose it is supposed to serve for young children. I've also toyed with the idea of using FLL but replacing their system of sentence diagramming with the one I learned, but I'm wondering if that's just making unnecessary work for myself.

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If you have another method that works, then do that. But sentence diagramming is important. Some people learn to understand grammar better in a visually organized way. I learned diagramming in college and felt like I missed out on a lot without knowing it. It really does help!

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