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My Last Thread Start of 2009

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I'm so stinkin excited for the New Year!


First off, my Hag at Worker's Comp told me she's recommending a 3 year pension. This means they leave me the heck alone, while paying me my equal to work pay, and then re-assess in three years. Now, with that happening, there should also be a settlement in the works. WCB says my 'non work' hours are worth 70k a year. There is a ONE time payment of a percentage of 70k, whatever percentage disabled they figure I am. It doesn't matter that RSD will severely prohibit ALL of my activities for the rest of my life, its a one time payment...but, with the grace of God, it will be enough for a down payment on an acreage for us. I say that a house will only have cost me an arm, trying to joke about it, but its true...and I'd rather have my arm, tyvm. I'd rather be working my butt off, at work, at online school, being whole and healthy and ME, rather than have lost most of the use of my arm, and deal with the hell that is chronic pain RSD.


Frankly, a MILLION dollars isn't enough to make losing everything I have ok, or acceptable...but I'm trying to look at the positives. A house of our own, with my name on the mortgage and deed, that will cost us LESS than we're paying for rent, that I can choose paint for without asking permission...That's something to be grateful for, even if it has cost me my dominant hand and arm.


Plus, Wolf has said that if we get a place big enough, we'll absolutely look into fostering/adopting. As he put it, "We'll at least make sure one poor lil one has a safe place to be." :D


I'm praying with all my heart that this is the path God has chosen for us, and that this time next year, we'll be in a home of our own.


Your prayers would be more than welcome too.


I also want to give thanks to all of you who have been so wonderful and supportive since I came to the Hive this year. You've seen me through a horribly rocky time in my marriage, you've listened to me cry about my disability, laughed with me...Thank you all. :001_wub:

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