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To Write Love on Her Arms--please remember all in rehab this season cc

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Ds has completed his treatment with the exception of one more family meeting. We had the holidays together for the first time in 3 years.


I would ask all of you to remember those who couldn't be home for the holidays, and may not be home for a while, during the time they detox and learn how to stay sober.


Please remember all the boys at Crossroads, particularly B, who is on the adult side now. He blew a full scholarship, alienated his family, and ruined his body as he slipped into addiction. B is now mending his relationships, and has about 5 months more there. He has and always will have my heart.


Please remember the young girls and boys at Keller Center--many are cutters, many have dual diagnoses. Three weeks of short term treatment is rarely enough, but provides some respite for the kids and the families.


Please remember all those whose parents are at the end of their ropes and cannot afford or find treatment for their children, and remember the parents, too.


This link is a few short paragraphs from To Write Love on Her Arms. Indeed, we are called to love.

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