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s/o (CC): young earth/old earth book recommendations?


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It's been only within the past year that I've heard of the concepts of young earth/old earth, and I've been asking many questions of my pastor (who is YEC). He has been very open about his beliefs & provides scriptural references, but then he's also very fair in saying that we truly do not know which is correct, and we won't know until we meet God in Heaven.


A recent post about how you teach it to your kids has me thinking (especially because ds LOVES dinosaurs)... how will I teach him? I'm not asking for guidance in this as I'd like to come to my own conclusion, but rather, I'd like to educate myself better on both sides of the issue.


DH and I have only been Christians for 4 years, so we are still fairly new in our walk. Before that I was Catholic, and none of these YE/OE concepts were ever mentioned. I received a public and a private school education consisting of evolutionary principles. Dh and I want to teach our kids from a creationist perspective, but in order to do this effectively, I feel like I need a better grasp of these ideas, so if there is a book you've read that really helped you to navigate the YE/OE waters, I'd love to hear about it. I'm open to reading separate books from each side and then comparing if such a book does not exist.


Thanks so much!

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A book we have enjoyed is "Old Earth Creationism on Trial" by Chaffey and Lisle. It supports a YE viewpoint, but you'd be hard pressed to find one book that supports both views fairly.


To be honest, I strive to be like the Bereans, and measure my beliefs against what I find in scripture, so just be careful about books. YKWIM... I'm a young-earther, so it was fine to read this book and have it support my view. I wouldn't probably read a book in support of old-earth because I don't find that to be true from scripture. Hopefully you'll get more book rec's and be able to make a case either way.



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Guest Virginia Dawn

Book: The Source by John Clayton. He is a former atheist high school teacher, now a Christian whose mission is to teach on old earth/ intelligent design issues. His web site is doesgodexist.org

He has a free bimonthly apologetics magazine that you can sign up for. It is very readable, even for junior high kids.

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