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Need some help with a

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job application for my 22 year old learning disabled daughter. She was recently fired (much to her surprise) from the YMCA. We have filed a discrimination suit against them (haven't heard anything yet).


So, she is looking for a new job. What should she put in the section where (and when) it asks why she left her last employer? It really stinks because we feel she was unjustly fired (she was never given any warnings and no incident reports were ever written up on her and she was never asked to sign anything).


Any suggestions would help.


Thank you.

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I'm an HR manager for a large company. Here is my advice: Do NOT put "terminated" or anything similar. I would put "Looking for new opportunity." While I certainly would not encourage you to misrepresent anything or to not be truthful about any questions asked, she wants to at least have the opportunity to be looked at. I review about 50 apps a week. It is rare that I take a look at someone who says they were terminated. It's not because I don't know that some terminations are wrong. It's just that there is always...drama...of some sort or another involved and when I have 20 other good apps to consider, I tend to just steer clear. If she gets an interview, she can offer more information. Still...she should not be real negative about the previous employer. She should offer solid information and hopefully they will be willing to take her side.

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