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What are your favorite Teaching Company courses for high schoolers?

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We have Basic Math, Algebra 1 (the old edition... It was cheaper to buy Basic Math with Algebra 1 than Basic Math by itself), and How to Be a Superstar Student.


DS is a bit behind, so I'm looking for courses that aren't AP or Honors level. Just something we can do for maybe science, history, literature/English.


Any ideas?




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We haven't used it yet, but I'm excited about the high school chemistry videos because they are designed to go "with" a high school science program -- just adding more explanation. That's exactly what I wanted. I've watched the first few myself, and he is very clear about how to use his lectures.


We've used the history ones on occasion, but they spend a long time on a single topic. I think the last one we watched was about the Gold Rush and we had already listened to Story of the World & read some things in our book basket, so a whole 30 or 45 minute lecture on it seemed too much to my ds.


I've used all or part of the Jazz course (it's short) with both my kids.


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We are using How the Earth Works right now for 9th grade Earth Science. In the past I've used the Western Civ course by Noble (excellent!), American Identity by Allitt (I have a crush on this professor!), Classical Archeology (can't remember the name of the Prof but excellent!), A course on St. Francis of Assisi (Cook and somebody else) and another on St. Augustine (Philip Cary), WWII a Social and Military History (can't remember the prof's name. He was bit dry but the subject matter was so fascinating!). Popes and the Papacy by Noble again. Moves very fast. I'd say more of a post graduate course than undergrad, he assumes you have a very strong history background and includes an enormous amount of detail.


There's probably more but I can't remember them!

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I agree that the college level US History courses are great (my 11th grader is using them right now and loves them) but if your son is a bit behind, he might be better off with the High school US History and World History course. I used them when my kids were in middle school and they are very entertaining.


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