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Another question

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our carbon monoxide detector beeped three times tonight then stopped. It's plugged into the wall and there is no "low battery" notice. This one is up in my bedroom. We also have one down by the furnace and that one hasn't made any noise. This happened about 45 minutes ago. Has anyone ever had this happen before?



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Please have it checked ASAP.


Officials Confirm That Gas Was Killer of Six in House





ROSLYN HEIGHTS, N.Y., May 8— A Long Island doctor who returned home Sunday morning after working the late shift knew right away that he had made a ghastly mistake, the police said.

When Dr. Andrei Kranz, 42, opened his door, he found six family members and friends dead in bed, all in their nightclothes. Among them were his parents and his 3-year-old daughter, Simina. He tried to resuscitate them and failed.

According to the police, the moment the doctor saw the bodies he suspected that the victims had died of carbon monoxide poisoning. He told the police that he had disconnected a carbon monoxide detector last summer because the alarm was constantly going off, keeping him and his family from sleep.

''One of the first statements he made was that he said he had problems in the past with the detector being so sensitive, and he had shut it off,'' said Detective Robert Edwards of the Nassau County Homicide Squad. ''He's a doctor and he sees six people dead. He has a good idea of what happened.''

The cause of death was accidental carbon monoxide intoxication, said Diane Makunas, a spokeswoman for the county medical examiner.


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