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The best writing programs


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We are using Write Shop for 6th-7th-8th grade. You may read my review here.


I wouldn't say that WS is specifically geared towards boys. I've never heard of a writing curriculum that is specifically geared towards boys. My son avoids writing like the plague. He probably inherited that gene from me. Write Shop has been good for the both of us because it is extremely detailed. So far, he has only had to write 1-2 paragraphs. Yet, he is being taught many ways to brainstorm, vary his sentences, choose his words, etc.


2 other programs that are popular are Classical Writing and IEW. I was too intimidated by CW, and I knew I would never sit and watch the IEW videos. Write Shop has worked well for us.



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My favorite beginning writing program is 4 square writing. After that I assign a book study here and there where the kids and I work through a study guide and then write a book report. We also have done lots of freewrites a la Bravewriter. Then when they hit jr high/high school we use http://www.writeguide.com which you can tailor completely to your students wants/needs. During all this we have copywork and lots of read alouds/independent reading. This method so far has been successful for us.

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