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Geraldine McCaughrean - I love her writing but ....

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some of what she includes in her books is just completely innappropriate for children, in my opinion.


Anyone else feel this way?


I am looking at Gilgamesh the Hero right now. The writing is very captivating and really brings history to life. I know my children would love it. I can't read it to them though because p. 13-15 has a detailed description of a woman seducing a man. The book says ages 9 and up but why write this way for 9-year olds? What was her editor thinking? It's hard to skip pages in a story and with my extremely perceptive kids it just doesn't work to cover up parts. My husband says to just not read this book, that there are plenty of great books. Her writing is great though, it's what historical fiction ought to be. I seem to recall another book I was looking at for Ancient Greece (I think it was by her too) and again, same problem. Great writing, but some really inappropriate illustrations. Please tell me that these 2 books are the exceptions and that all her other books are clean!

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Her retelling of El Cid definitely isn't for you. For the rest, you may wish to pre-read. I had no qualms about reading McCaughrean's Gilgamesh to my (then) 5yo.

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Her retelling of El Cid definitely isn't for you. For the rest, you may wish to pre-read. I had no qualms about reading McCaughrean's Gilgamesh to my (then) 5yo.


I agree. If you are more sensitive to such things, pre-screen them. There were many moms on the old board who admitted to taking a sharpie to their art book while I would never do that.

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I had always appreciated that she didn't water down the original tales. I'm not familiar with the artwork that was mentioned, but I also don't generally have a problem with the human form. (The girls were always way more squeamish than I was and would cover things that made them uncomfortable with a post-it :))


I had always been able to find other re-tellings that have been adapted more for children. I preferred hers because she often kept the source material fairly intact.

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some of what she includes in her books is just completely innappropriate for children, in my opinion.


Anyone else feel this way?


Yes. I skipped her version of Gilgamesh when dd9 was 6 or 7yrs. We still have it, and will read it next year, I think.


Ludmila Zeman's three Gilgamesh books suited us better. I was quite happy to leave the seduction scene at "they explored the ways of love together".



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