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What Writing program should I purchase for a 12th grader?

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Hi There:-)


I have a step-daughter who is in 12th grade, very motivated and wants a writing program that will stretch her. I would have loved for her to follow a progymnasmata writing plan, but only have had her for a few classes.


I would like a writing program that she can go through herself, and one that is "Classical" in nature. Who has some ideas for me?


I'm going to Exodus Books, and hope to find something that is recommended... there.


Also, if there is a writing class that she can join at this point, I would have around $200 or so to spend on that.





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I have a step-daughter who is in 12th grade, very motivated and wants a writing program that will stretch her.


Also, if there is a writing class that she can join at this point, I would have around $200 or so to spend on that.







Motivated? Stretch her? OK! I would recommend Classical Writing. I am not sure where you would place her exactly but if you contact the authors of the books someone will be able to help you. They are also offering tutorial classes in which my daughter has had some success. They are not secular but usually that doesn't mix in too much. I just received an email today that they are opening the next portion of some of the classes. Check here for the details.


I am curious to see what other replies you get. :D I am not aware of any other classical online writing classes.



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If you have several years Classical Writing is my favorite, but it sounds like you have only one year so you might also want to look at Classical Composition (progym only and published as separate exercises). Lost Tools of Writing is classical in that it uses a lot of the theory underlying the progym, but the level currently on the market is taught in the context of the persuasive essay with some work in comparison essays.


Does Cindy Marsch still offer on-line progym instruction? If so, that might be another option but I have no idea of the cost.


Also, I do suggest that you stand ready to do at least some discussion/mentoring even if she's highly motivated.

Edited by Martha in NM
careless proofreading
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You got great suggestions above, and I'll throw out a couple more, in no particular order.


1. The WTM suggestions for high school writing: The Art of Argument, Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student, The New Oxford Guide to Writing, etc. This will require a great deal of input from you. The Classical Rhetoric book is pretty much what you're asking for. If you haven't yet read the new Well-Trained Mind, you will want to start with that for background and directions. In her seminars SWB also recommends D'Angelo's Composition in the Classical Tradition (she warns about its bad writing examples, though).


2. IEW's Elegant Essay and Advanced Composition courses. Not nearly as stretching as choice #1, but less mom-intensive.


3. Why not have her study for (and take) at least one AP English exam? My dd took the English Language & Composition exam last spring, and is studying for the English Comp. & Lit exam this year. Both require learning (or refreshing knowledge of) literary terms and essay writing. English Language focuses more on rhetoric - terms and writing argumentative essays. Literature does not emphasize rhetoric but picks up poetry. These have been a good fit for my dd, and last year's test score guarantees that she will receive college credit next year (YMMV). It's not to late to study for one of these. You will probably need to read her practice essays and critique them, unless she's an unusually independent student.




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