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Please tell me about CLE Language arts.


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This would be for early elementary. Is it really an effective curricula for spelling, and writing? Or would supplementation be appropriate? I've looked through some of the first grade samples, and it seemed to have lots of phonics and grammar work.


What do you like about CLE LA? What do you not like?? Does the program particularly "shine" in one area?? I'm all ears!!


Right now we're using WWE, AAS, and HWT for our first grade language arts. And I like them all. But I'm always looking for ways to streamline and use our time better. Right now our kids are first grade, kindergarten, preschool and toddler, and we're really busy trying do do a good job with all our schooling. Next year will be markedly busier!

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I use CLE LA and I really like it, but I don't think spelling and writing are it's strengths. I do use the spelling for my daughter and it's fine because she is very strong in this area. I still use WWE with her for writing. The main reason I use CLE is for the grammar. I do like that I can streamline things and incorporate the spelling for my daughter but I do not use the spelling for my son.



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We're almost finished with CLE LA 100 and 200. I think it's incredible as far as grammar and LA goes. We supplement spelling with BJU Spelling workbooks and we also did Handwriting without Tears (although probably wasn't necessary). The LA is pretty advanced and the 6 yro has cried a couple of times during a lesson. I felt like the LA was almost a year ahead of where it should be...


We also have the CLE 1st grade reader and it took until late Nov for the 1st grader to be able to actually read it.


I can't say enough good stuff about the LA (although some of the sentences are a little odd). But, it's a really solid grammar program.

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The main reason I use CLE is for the grammar.



My 8 y/o son is in CLE 203. I LOVE the grammar and writing conventions. New ideas are taught, and then referred to almost every day for a long time so it's great for kids who take time to internalize rules of language. My son was unable to write a sentence when we started 201 and the 200 level is a very gentle approach, just a little bit every day. Kids who can write more should do more, and there are prompts to do "creative writing" from the TM (which I don't have) but for my son this is a good fit.


We do read through the spelling words and do the activities to practice the rule, but I do not test him on the words. I skip the handwriting because we are doing another program, but the handwriting is minimal. I think you are supposed to practice on additional paper (but I'm not sure and too lazy to look :tongue_smilie:).


The booklets are heavy on "do ____ because it pleases God" which is not my style, so sometimes we cross out God and write Dad or Mom instead. It's not a deal-breaker for me. :001_smile:

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I use CLE LA 3 with my dd. I love CLE. At first, I was concerned that the penmanship would not be enough for her, but it has been very effective actually. She takes her time and writes beautifully...very Charlotte Mason in the idea that it is better to make two beautiful letters than a whole line of sloppy ones. Dd had very little cursive writing instruction prior to using this, and already (we are only in the 2nd lightunit) she is writing her answers confidently in cursive when asked. I'm unsure about the effectiveness of spelling. She has done well, but she has a very good memory. At some point I'll probably add the SWR spelling rule cards into our day, just to give her more concrete tools.


We also use the CW Primers. They have copywork, picture study and nature study aspects I wanted to add...and the extra lessons in grammar and spelling are light but helpful.


eta: I realized I really didn't address why I like it. I love the spiral review...we had used GWG previously and while I really liked the program, I felt dd wasn't getting enough review. I also love that it fosters independence, is very thorough and teaches study skills very well. We didn't have tests prior to using CLE, and the lightunits have done a great job of teaching her how to prepare for taking each quiz.

Edited by Dawn E
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