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Need Some Recommendations!


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Starting in January, I'm trying something new to (hopefully!) help keep my kids motivated. They were each allowed to choose an elective that they will essentially be pursuing on their own for an hour or so each day. Two of the kids were easy to find curriculum for, but the other two I'm struggling with.


One of the twins wants to do something with "experiments" - he's a very hands-on learner and dislikes a lot of reading, but is great at taking things apart, building new things & figuring stuff out. He's forever learning how to make random things from YouTube, but I'd like something that's at least a little bit structured to guide his learning.


Then, my DD would like to improve her drawing & painting - so a formal art program of some sort that is mostly self-directed (or maybe some good books that she can work her way through?).


Any suggestions? Thanks!

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How about Snap Circuits for building?


For art/drawing perhaps a Draw Squad book?


He had a set of basic set of Snap Circuits years ago & enjoyed them, but pretty much exhausted what he could do with that set. I just checked out their site & it looks like they have some more advanced versions now. Has anyone used the Educational Series Training Program? Is it better or worse than the regular sets? I'm thinking that might be a good option for him.


I'll check out the Draw Squad books, thanks!

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Hi Wildoats! I went to your blog and noticed you listed Catholic Heritage. I love their stuff. They have a wonderful Art program that you could probably use with all your kids. It is very hands on and it teaches history and catechism at the same time. It is orginally meant for the classroom though. It was developed by the Dominican sisters of Nashville. Anyway, it is called Christian Heritage Art Program and it is for 1st through 8th grades. What is really neat is it tied to history so it has Prehistoric Art, Ancient Art, Medieval Art, Renaissance Art, 17th and 18th Cen Art, Modern Art.


How about Backyard Ballistics for your 11 yo who likes to build things?

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Hi Wildoats! I went to your blog and noticed you listed Catholic Heritage. I love their stuff. They have a wonderful Art program that you could probably use with all your kids. It is very hands on and it teaches history and catechism at the same time. It is orginally meant for the classroom though. It was developed by the Dominican sisters of Nashville. Anyway, it is called Christian Heritage Art Program and it is for 1st through 8th grades. What is really neat is it tied to history so it has Prehistoric Art, Ancient Art, Medieval Art, Renaissance Art, 17th and 18th Cen Art, Modern Art.


How about Backyard Ballistics for your 11 yo who likes to build things?


Faith ~ I will check out CHC's Art Program, thanks! And he has Backyard Ballistics already (and has done a number of the projects), but I'm glad you reminded me because I think the author has some other books I can check out.

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