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Anyone a K Nex expert?

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Kind of a silly question, I guess. I saw a K'nex set at Goodwill this evening. It was a 350 piece tub for $5. In the tub were two cello-wrapped packets of pieces, as well as a few odd, loose pieces running around in the bottom. I had no way to tell how much of the original 350-piece set might still remain in those two packets. Wondering if anyone here has any idea. Might make a reasonable gift for a 6 y/o nephew, if I can turn it into a complete package.


Pipe dreaming, maybe.... ;)

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I can tell you that what you saw was a good deal. My son (ds9) loves k'nex and builds amazing roller coasters with them. I can't say how many pieces were in the bags but it is possible that they were all there. K'nex parts are very small.


But having said all that, k'nex can be hard for a six year old to put together. It requires significant finger strength and my younger son (ds5.5) doesn't play k'nex much because his fingers aren't strong enough to build the things he wants to. He much prefers Lego.

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My son is big into Knex. I have no idea if that makes a complete set. I only know that many sets I have bought said it had zillions of pieces, but because the pieces are so small it didn't look like much.


My son had no problem with the Knex. He started playing with them around age 5.


I'll second that. Ds got a bin of these for his 5th birthday and has made wonderful things with them.


The directions that came in his bin had photos of additional things to find at k-nex.com to download. We were soon printing these out to build too.


He's always had good fine motor skills for a wee boy, though.


A standard size beginner's bin at Michael's goes for about $20. Even with the good coupon, it would be over $10. The larger sets can be $50 or more. I'd say it's a great buy -- if he likes it, what a deal and you've got ideas for future gifts. If he's not so keen, it's not much money to be out.

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