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Sonlight Core 7

Michelle T

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I'm contemplating using Sonlight Core 7 with DS, 13, next year (starting in March). I'd love to hear from anyone who has used this core.


What did you think of the readers and read alouds? Interesting? Age appropriate?


How is SOTW 3 and 4 for this age group? And what about reading through them so fast?


What is the language arts like in this core? I know it is included. Is it mainly grammar, or also writing? Are the writing assignments clearly explained?


Any other comments?


Michelle T

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My 13 and 14 year olds are just finishing up Core 7 now. It has been great. They have totally coped with the reading load - in fact, it wasn't enough for dd13 but she's a bit of a reading freak. I really liked SOTW4 for this age. The girls were really interested in the issues it raised for eg: the atomic bomb, involvement in Vietnam war etc, in a way that perhaps they wouldn't have been when they were younger. Dd13 was walking around yesterday with quotes she had found from Indira Gandhi and Nelson Mandela - quotes she read to me because she was highly interested and thought they were good. She has also been inspired to go and research key people more thoroughly eg: she wrote a paper on Winston Churchill, and is writing a story about Indira Gandhi based on some facts she read about her.


We didn't do much of the LA because we were already using something else but I did incorporate a few of the writing assignments which I thought were excellent. It doesn't include grammar - you would have to do something separate. One of mine is doing Abeka Grammar and one is doing Winston (I'm personally loving Winston Grammar.) SL recommends Wordly Wise but we are using something else for vocab. I really like the writing assignments with Core 7 which are mostly linked with either the history or the literature. I thought the instruction was good along with the assignments and there was a good variety. Some people seem to feel that there is not enough instruction, but I didn't find that at all. We started Core 7 part way through because we had already been partway through the SOTW book and I didn't want to make my dd's double up too much. Otherwise we may have done more of the LA assignments.


Anyway, hope that helps.

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We are using Core 7 with my 2 5th graders and 7th grader ... I tweek and supplement alot but the Core itself is wonderful - I'm just adding in some American History while we're living on the East Coast. I do read everything aloud - my 7th grader could read everything on his own and get it but not my 5ths. I enjoy it but it is time consuming. I've spent lots of time changing it around - but the more I do so the more I realize the books chosen are chosen for a very good reason. I think SL does a great job of combining readable, enjoyable historical fiction with the classics. Some people think that SL neglects the classics but there are quite a few. That being said, I think they could do a better job of literature analysis.


Also, I do not like the LA - nice writing prompts but nothing more. We use IEW - SWI B at first and now SWICC B. Love it! Detailed, adaptable to SL and structured.

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I used Core 7 last year with my 14yo. It was my only year with SL. Here are my opinions. I'm sorry that they differ from everyone else:D


1) There are A LOT of books to be read. My dd is an avid reader. So am I. But I didn't like "plowing" through them.


2) I didn't know there were so many depressing books in the world! Dd is very sensitive, so I pre-read almost all the books she did read. Yuck! There were some I just did not have her read. And no, this is not sheltering. A couple depressing books are ok, but I felt that 3/4 of the SL books were.


3) I liked SOTW 3 & 4. I didn't feel it was too "young" for her and she gleaned so much from them.


4) I did think that the year was "rushed." That was what this Core is for, getting through the second half of history. And that is why I chose it. However, I thought they could have spent a little more time covering a couple main topics (like the Civil War).


5) The writing portion does not explain anything. There are a few short paragraphs about what the child is to write about. They must already posses good writing skills (IMO). Dd is an Aspie and is behind in this area. We didn't do any of the Language sections of the Core.


4) We finally skipped the lit questions and just talked about the book. Their idea of lit analysis is a few questions asked about the chapters read.


5) All that said, dd did find a couple new favorites in the bunch. "The Sherwood Ring" and "A Murder for Her Majesty" being a couple. She also went on to read a couple more of Gloria Whelan's books.


SL was not for us. Obviously :lol: It did get me through the last part of history, however, and allowed me to get back to Ancients this year, which was my plan.


I am planning to sell it soon, as I'm positive that I won't use it for my younger dd:D

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I guess I'm strange, I don't remember any depressing books in Core 7. I just asked ds if he remembers depressing books from that core, and he said "No, they were serious, but I wouldn't call them depressing." How can you cover something like the Holocaust and it not be sad? I thought the books were good though and contained a message of hope. Like I Am David, which was beautiful and touching and is now one of mine and ds's favorite books.


We are long term SL users. The LA in Core 7 was pretty much worthless for us, but some people use it.

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