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MCT Island level questions


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If put my ds into MCT island level (using all components but the poetry), how much time should I expect to spend each day and/or week on this?


And I have read at least once that the teacher materials are not very user friendly. Yes or no? How about compared to something scripted like FLL/WWE?



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At this level, does the child actually get practice at forming different sentences? Or is it all just analyzing other sentences? I've looked at the samples, and either couldn't tell, or I have forgotten. :tongue_smilie:
There's an associated practice book, Practice Island, with 100 sentences in for analysis.
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Thanks to this thread (and other recent MCT threads) I have just taken the plunge and ordered the MCT Island level package for T. :D I think I'll have B continue in GWG and WT2. He's super resistant to change, and the MCT stuff doesn't look like something he'd "click" with. (Plus, I'm 90% sure I'll have him do K12 English next year.) Thank you so much to all of you who have answered questions about this curriculum. Hopefully it'll be a good fit, and bring some joy back to LA here. :)

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