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TOG users, am I going to LOVE Yr. 2 as much as I love Yr. 1?


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I feel like I have a good handle on it now that we've just finished Unit 1 of our first year. I am learning so much with my dd, and she seems very happy with the way we are doing it. I'm just curious to know if Yr. 2 is going to be as manageable to work through. I've "heard" that there is a lot more to it with reading assignments, so I guess I'm a little scared.


Would you mind sharing a bit about your experience moving from Yr. 1 to Yr. 2 the first time through?






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Not to worry -- by the time you have the complete yr 1 under your belt, you will be much more comfortable and confident in making the year plan work for you (instead of the other way around)!


Yr 2 is a much more "dense" year in terms of content. There's simply a lot of ground to cover. However, the year plan is set up exactly the same as yr 1 and you will approach it in the same way you have found to work for you. I have had no qualms over the last 3.5 years with Tapestry in stretching a week plan into two school weeks, or, combining two weeks into one when needed. With yr 2, it can very reasonably be done just as it is written -- but you may also find you want to stretch it out a bit. We are in a virtual co-op this year with yr 2 so our pace is set by the co-op schedule. We're doing just fine and are happy. However, if we were not part of the co-op, I would probably choose several week here and there to expand. But I'm not feeling rushed or stressed about not doing so.


Relax and enjoy yr 1! You'll handle yr 2 quite well and find that you and your daughter enjoy it every bit as much.

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Thanks for your reply. I have stretched our studies only once to cover two weeks instead of one, and I'm taking a break of one week from TOG now that we're done with Unit One. We're actually going to do one more hands on project and go on a field trip, but that is all. Anyway, your post gives me a great deal of relief.


Are there any other TOG users out there that want to share their experience transitioning from Yr One to Yr Two?




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Hey Lucinda,

Wish we were closer... I'd beg for my 11 year old to be "co-oping" with you in this.... I looked at your blog... SOOOO fun!!




That is a wonderful compliment, Carrie. Thank you! I wish we were closer too. But we can be supportive from a distance. PM me if you'd like.




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PS... Can I ask... If we didn't do Year 1... Do you think we'd be ok starting in the next year??




What year are you on currently? Is this your first year with TOG? I'm not an expert, but I'll throw in an idea if you'd like. There are a lot of TOG families here in the Hive, so I bet we could get some other input too.




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Hi Lucinda!

We are finding Year 2 to be the same as Year 1 in terms of loving it. In terms of how we're using it is a wee bit different. I find I'm more in my element now, able to just use what we want and move on. We do all the reading, maps, SAPs, some timeline, and some of the activities. We don't typically do vocab, and I'm now moving away from Writing Aids for much of our year. I will do the odd assignment with WA, but am trying to do CW Homer for the first time. All that to say that we still love TOG and will stick with it. It's just easier to use now that I have Y1 under my belt. :) I can compare it to a love relationship: Y1 you're all goo goo ga ga, and Y2 the love is not so WOWish, but more a devotion based on mature love. ;)

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I am doing a sort of "Ancient" period of study this last year. We're doing Classical Conversations, but I want a "history" curriculum for this next year, so I've looked at TOG. I have a 6 yr old and 6th grader.... Next year... 2nd grader and 7th.... So, I looked and it looked like we'd be somewhere in "Year2".



The beauty of TOG is that you can start out with any year plan. Considering what you've already covered, I wouldn't hesitate at all to start with Year 2. After you've done the full rotation, you could then choose to do Year 1 again up ahead, but at much more depth for your older dc than you've just done.




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You'll love TOG Year 2. The format is the same as year 1, so since you're comfortable with that you should be fine. The content is really fun for kids, especially your dd's age. You'll cover vikings, middle ages, knights, castles, leonardo da vinci, joan of arc, explorers, colonial america, pilgrims, and on an on. Lots of fun and you'll both learn so much!

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