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Question for NY homeschoolers regarding quarterlies

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I received a letter from the school district (Utica) yesterday stating that I

needed to resubmit our quarterlies because I needed to include "a grade for the child in each subject or a written narrative evaluating the child's progress" per the NYS requirements. I had listed their grade for each subject as satisfactory. I've been doing this for years with no problem. Is this not acceptable?

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I would ask the question on the NY HS yahoogroup as you may get some one answering in your district.


If you've been doing it for years with no problem, I'd ask for in writing what NYS rules have changed since they stated "per NY State requirements". I would put it nicely as in "Please forward to me a copy of the new NYS regulations so I can keep informed about these changes" or some such thing. To my knowledge, they haven't changed. I wonder if in your school district they begin giving letter grades at a certain grade level and expect you to do the same? Or is there a new person in the office?



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Thank you! I did post over at NYHEN too but I know WTM is a busier board so I thought I'd try here too. It's the same people in charge of our homeschooling paperwork so I'm not sure why this is suddenly an issue. They seem to be pretty clueless so I'm sure that has something to do with it. ;)

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