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Tips on keeping them focused


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Today has been one of those days where we have spent more time talking about paying attention then actually doing work! I found that my son does better when we have school outside, but now that the wet fall weather is upon us that can't be done. Has anyone else found anything that works for them? I'm thinking about changing locations in the house. Maybe moving to the front living room so he can't stare out the back door at the trees and rain!

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Can you give him some kind of "fidget" to manipulate while he listens? Like some legos, or a small piece of clay? There are online stores that sell lots of cool things kids can play with while they listen. It sometimes helps them focus. One such store is Thetherapyshoppe.com


Changing locations might absolutely help. Can you build a little cubicle for him? I've found that when stimulation/distractions are kept to a minimum things go better.


Does he take adequate breaks? Even a few minute break between lessons can help with focus.


How about changing the time of day you do school? Does he work better in the afternoon or the morning?





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Thanks for the tips! I do have him do jumping jacks on occasion, didn't today. He gets short breaks while I get things ready for the next subject and today I gave him (and me) a half hour break. Normally we do school in the afternoons. I'll try switching to mornings, that might mean I have to break my night owl habits! :lol: Fidget items tend to be more of a distraction. Ok, so tomorrow we get school done BEFORE Piano practice at 11am! First test. :)


Thanks again lady's!

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