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Shalom22 and other coupon moms...

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I saw your post about saving 50-75% off your bill. I noticed that you shop HEB etc. I also live in Texas and wondered if you are saving that on food items like chicken, bread, produce and canned items? Or are you saving that on household stuff like toiletries and paper goods? I am so impressed by your savings!

Thanks for any thoughts on this.


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I saved (in general) this weekend on the following:



canned goods

pasta sauce (25 cents a jar!)

frozen veggies (some were free!)

baking mixes (a few cents each)


fridge dough, crescent rolls

cat litter


baking items/ingredients


meat and fresh produce tend to come from store specials, not coupons


Everything else is store special matched with coupons.


thegrocerygame.com was a huge help. They have a four-week free trial and you can use as many store lists as you want during that time. totally worth it.

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I saw your post about saving 50-75% off your bill. I noticed that you shop HEB etc. I also live in Texas and wondered if you are saving that on food items like chicken, bread, produce and canned items? Or are you saving that on household stuff like toiletries and paper goods? I am so impressed by your savings!

Thanks for any thoughts on this.



Hi Alexandra,


I save that much on food stuff and health & beauty items. The items that you buy each week will vary, some weeks are heavier on H&B, others weeks are food stuff. I went shopping on Sunday at Randall's, what I bought was mostly food stuff. I saved 64%.

I bought:



frozen veggies

beef and chicken broth

brown sugar

canned veggies

Nature Valley granola clusters

cake mix


All name brand stuff.


By using the Grocery Game, you work on building a stockpile. Buying items on your list at the lowest prices. Over time, you will build up a great stockpile and won't have to pay full price for most of the things that your family consumes. I have a huge supply of toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, bath soap, femine stuff, canned veggies, pasta, pasta sauce, rice, trash bags, laundry soap, cleaners, etc. You get the picture. Many of these items I got for free or for pennies on the dollar.


Where are you in Texas? If you are close to Houston or can get Sunday papers from a big city, you will get great coupons. There is also a clipper service on GG that you can order coupons from if you can't get them where you are.


There is a message board on GG and there are many members from the Houston area. From what I am seeing, Houston is one of the best places to do GG. The Houston Chronicle gets all of the best coupons. I have found that Krogers and Randall's offer the best deals. If you are a Walgreen's or CVS shopper, then you will really get some great deals especially on H&B items. You can get lots of free stuff by shopping these two places.


My dh says that I have become obsessive about GG, but when you can feed your family and save lots of money doing it, yes I guess I am a little.:D

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