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Is anyone else doing Growing with Grammar at a slower pace?


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We've been doing one side of each page each day, four days a week (plus reading the handbook at the beginning of each section).


Is this going too slow? My kids were just dragging through it when we did a full worksheet everyday, and it was taking up too much time out of our school day, combined with everything else. We are also doing Latin, and since that also covers some grammar, I was thinking it'd be okay to slow down.


Any thoughts?

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We have used GWG for 2 years. My 2nd grader can easily do 2 pages (one lesson). My 5th grader gets bogged down. He is actually working through the 4th grade book which is still quite a bit of work for him. I feel like there are a lot of problems to work through at this level, so I often cut out half of them so he doesn't fall behind. He still retains the info. well so it seems to be working fine. Each year seems to review quite a bit, so I wouldn't think there would be a problem slowing down.

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I sped it up by having my son answer orally with me writing. He would do any circling and the diagramming himself.


I prefer to use my children's (limited) energy for writing for things other than worksheets.


This is how we do it as well, especially for my 6yo. 8yo can do more, but I prefer him to use his energy on math and WWE instead.

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We've been doing one side of each page each day, four days a week (plus reading the handbook at the beginning of each section).

Is this a separate book? Ds 8 is finishing up GWG 2, he does one lesson a day, 5 days a week. He's been slower to pick up handwriting, I'm happy for him to get as much writing practice in as possible.


I have GWG 3 but haven't looked at it yet -- does the writing/exercise work ramp up a lot in later grades?

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