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CLE and AO

Medieval Mom

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I know it seems like a frog marrying a pig, but does anyone use CLE for Math, LA, Reading and use AO (okay-- with a bit of WTM thrown in) for everything else? I'm considering going this route myself, and was wondering whether I'm the only one who could consider marrying such different schooling philosophies. We're doing a modified version for first grade, and it's working well so far ;)

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We mesh similar things--CLE Math, and I"m considering switching from R&S and Pathway English/Reading to R&S--but we use a lot of more CM and Classical things too--MFW trying to add a classical bent--


Working well so far.




I know it seems like a frog marrying a pig, but does anyone use CLE for Math, LA, Reading and use AO (okay-- with a bit of WTM thrown in) for everything else? I'm considering going this route myself, and was wondering whether I'm the only one who could consider marrying such different schooling philosophies. We're doing a modified version for first grade, and it's working well so far ;)
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We've been doing AO this year and liking it, however, I just ordered CLE Math and CLE LA. It should be here this week. I know its completely at odds with AO but *I* need it. It should allow them to work more at their own pace too which they've really been wanting.


I think its all about what works for you and your family - not being boxed into doing only one thing. I, too, think different approaches are a good experience. Life and work isn't only about doing it one, right way. :)


Good luck,

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