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Second batch of yogurt, creamy, thick & yum! (recipe inside)

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I made my second ever batch of yogurt yesterday and it turned out awesome. I thought my first was pretty good last week but this one knocked our socks off. DH said it was even better than store bought :D


For those who are interested the recipe is -


2L (1/2 galon) milk

1 cup yogurt (culture starter)

1 cup powdered milk

1 tablespoon vanilla bean paste

3/4 cup sugar


Put milk in slow cooker and turn on low for 2 1/2 hours. Turn slow cooker off add powdered milk, vanilla & sugar, mix through well. Leave to stand covered for 3 hours, still in your slow cooker. At the end of the standing time stir through yogurt starter then immediately jar and wrap in tea towels. I put mine ontop of upright oven with towels under and over with oven on 160C. You could place in a esky/ice box with warm water. You want the temperature to be a constant at or just below 37C. Leave to stand undisturbed for 6 hours. It will set between 4 and 8 hours, 6 hours worked for us. Immediately place in fridge to continue setting.


We enjoy yogurt as a desert with fresh fruits. This one turned out perfect for decadent deserts it was smooth with a creamy texture and full vanilla flavour. Very moreish!


Thankyou again to the Hive for their inspiration. 2 weeks ago i would never have thought to make my own yogurt.

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Will give this a try! My Mom used to make it by boiling the milk, leaving until body temperature, then adding the starter and placing in a pre-warmed thermos flask overnight. I have made it that way, but it never comes out as thick as I like it. I have been meaning to try it again, with gelatine to thicken, but will try your way first.



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