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If y'all don't mind would you remember my ds tomorrow

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He goes tomorrow to turn in his final papers at the Private school we are going threw to get his diploma. He also has to do a speech from memory that he wrote(he hates speaking in public), which will be 30% of his final grade!!


:D He is doing the report on his love of cooking and what his plans are for the future. He plans on taking a few recipes that he has perfected for an illustration and then let the teacher eat them.:drool:


The teacher is really, really nice. I am sure he will appreciate it.

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He goes tomorrow to turn in his final papers at the Private school we are going threw to get his diploma. He also has to do a speech from memory that he wrote(he hates speaking in public), which will be 30% of his final grade!!


:D He is doing the report on his love of cooking and what his plans are for the future. He plans on taking a few recipes that he has perfected for an illustration and then let the teacher eat them.:drool:


The teacher is really, really nice. I am sure he will appreciate it.


You got it!:001_smile:

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He was SO nervous! He said he did better than he thought he would.

We don't know what grade he was given. The teacher knows that this counts as 30% of his grade, so I don't think he would have let him walk out if he failed.


The only thing the teacher told him was wrong that his outline was not done properly, so he probably got counted off on that.


The teacher told him no one has ever brought food as an illustration or for him to eat.:thumbup:


If we don't hear from them in the next week or so, he passed.

We are keeping our fingers crossed.


I think ds is going to be so bored come next week. He has completed ALL of his school work and is just waiting on his diploma..which he will get the end of May!


He is going to drive ME crazy:willy_nilly: looking for a :auto:, so he can get out and do something.

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He is still considered homeschool. The private school has a homeschool program,(Lighthouse Academy Homeschool Program) we would pick up the PACE's from the school, which was just electives and English IV, brought them home did the work, took the test, then took everything back to them. We had the answer key, just not the test key..they wanted to grade that.


He was pretty much done with what I wanted him to do with me, other than English, so when this door opened we jumped for it. He will have a graduation banquet(next month), a ceremony(in May) and receive an accredited diploma. He knows a lot of the kids at this school, since they allow homeschoolers on their sports program.


He would have been done with his lessons in February(since he finished all the electives in Dec.), but he wanted to take it slow and only do 1 English book a week.


I am not sure what he is going to do, his girlfriend lives across the street from us and comes over during the day..she is going through a similar program and he helps her when she needs it. But usually they hang out here and they are involved with the homeschool bowling league..unfortunately only has 3 wks left



He can ask for more hours at work...but that's up to him.

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