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What is with my neighbors? -- rant

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I don't know what is going on with my neighbors. I allow my kids to play outside without me as long as they are together. We live in a rural setting, in a small patch of houses. There are two boys who come over to play frequently, and two sisters who also stop by pretty often. One of the sisters stayed home from school today with a high fever and a sore throat. We saw her leaving to see the doctor when I was out for a walk, and she said she wasn't allowed to play outside today because she is sick. Great, that meant not having to be the mean one who tells the kids they can't play together. Guess who just stopped by to play a few minutes ago? Sigh. She says the fever is now gone (she took Tylenol), and that it's okay to play with my kids as long as she doesn't "breathe on their faces." I sent her home.


Earlier today I had to bring my kids in when DS kicked the 3 year old granddaughter of another neighbor. Since that child is too young to come over on her own, her grandmother regularly escorts her, and I will just walk into my own yard to find another adult there! I have tried explaining that I don't mind her stopping by when I am outside, but that I prefer her not to when only the kids are out. Am I wrong to think that it is weird to invite oneself in to a neighbor's yard?

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People seem to be making a lot of decisions based on a selfish desire to have what is convenient for them. It is more convenient for them to have a sick little girl out from under foot / or to have her stop begging to go play with the neighbor kids so they send her on over. It is more convenient for them to have your children babysit the 3 year old so they just bring her over - whether you are there to approve it or not.


I had one neighbor (whom I had never met before) just drop her scared little boy off at our house. I was so dumbfounded when she rang the doorbell, said "Could you watch him? I'll be back in an hour." that I didn't even say anything as she almost ran away down the driveway. (We did resolve that one - later when she came back to pick him up, dh did talk to her about needing to call us to ask us to babysit).


Our little neighbor boy next door came over about a month ago to inform me that his dad wanted me to watch him for a while. I sent him back with the message that I was busy and he needed to watch his own child.


In both these situations, the neighbors are still very cordial. In fact we were just at the birthday party for one of the boys. But I had to set up very clear boundaries in very clear terms that everyone could understand.

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