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Audio books for 5 yo and 13 yo while in the car?


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We finally found a GREAT piano teacher for my 13 yo dd, that's the good news! The bad news is that we have a 25-30 minute ride each way. I will have both my kids in the car, so what audio books can we listen to that will hold both of my children's attention? They are both girls if that matters.


Any ideas will be appreciated!

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I have a hard time finding books to hold the attention of both my 8 yr old and my 5 yr old. 5 yr old wants books like Curious George, and my 8 yr old does not.


I now let one of them listen to a story on the ipod and the other listens to the audio from the van if they don't want to listen to the same thing.


Oh, and a 30 min drive one way sounds like heaven to me. We drive a minimum of 45 to piano. Co-op is an hour.

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