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She's still mad at me (even though I am so sorry for anything I have done), but now I found out that she has a lump in her other breast. I feel horrible about this. I'm so struggling with it all. Any hope that this could *not* be more cancer??? I mean, she's on strong chemo now, so what more could they do??

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She's still mad at me (even though I am so sorry for anything I have done), but now I found out that she has a lump in her other breast. I feel horrible about this. I'm so struggling with it all. Any hope that this could *not* be more cancer??? I mean, she's on strong chemo now, so what more could they do??


:grouphug: I would think if the chemo isn't working and she is still getting lumps then surgery and localized radiation would be next. Your sister must be terrified about what is going on in her own body and that is why she lashed out at you. I know that when I feel like I have lost control of everything else I lash out at my loved ones because a) I know they will still love me and b) it is the only thing left I feel in control of. As her sister I can only imagine the turmoil you are also going through with this news.

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Perhaps if I had known, I would have been even more sensitive, or apologized more than I did. . but she didn't tell me.


I am so sorry for your sister's struggle, and for the heartache you feel.


Don't let guilt over the past shadow today. Her perception of that time is colored by her illness, and her perception is not accurate. You have taken responsibility for what you could. Now step forward, loving as you are able but without guilt.



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