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Grammar for 11 yr old - worktext style


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We are using TOG yr 1, and trying to focus on writing, which is not a strong point for DS. He does very well with grammar, and I would love something that he can do mostly independently. I want it to include diagramming and clear explanations, and a worktext or text with a workbook would be great - no copying to paper. I was looking at GWG, and it looks like a possibility. Any other suggestions? :bigear:

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We're using Junior Analytical Grammar (we tried GWG a couple times in 3rd and 4th but it just never stuck) It's only 11 weeks but you could spread it out by only doing a few sentences a day instead of all 5. My son is really enjoying it and for the most part does it completely indepenantly. The only writing he does not on the workbook/worktext is for some of the diagrams because the space on the pages is limited and he still writes pretty large for his age.

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