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List of Contests/Exams/Challenges?


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I saw the thread on the national Mythology Exam and showed it to my daughter. She seems excited and I'm wondering if if there might not be other opportunities out there in terms of exams and contests and such that might challenge her and offer some nice rewards (whether external, like the Nat. Myth. Exam medals or simply the satisfaction of meeting a goal) for completion. Any and all subjects welcome.


Maybe we can build a list of links here? A few to start...


National Mythology Exam


Exploratory Latin Exam



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Ooh! That Exploratory Latin one looks cool. The irony is, I'd probably never have found it without this thread, but I'm very familiar with Miami U. My SIL is a graduate, and it's near my ILs. They have a paleontology museum we'd like to go to, and we'd happily move to the area. Funny how these things work.

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Here are some Classically-themed contests.


The American Classical League sponsors a poster contest. This links to last year's announcement, but will give you an idea of what they are looking for:


This is the link for next year's institute and you can watch for the poster announcement there:



Association foR Latin Teaching ARLT Latin Reading Contest



You can still register for this one.


Golden Sponge Stick


Open internationally this year, still open for entries.


Bernice Fox Writing Contest


(last year's announcement, watch for next year's)


Classical Literacy Exam

No Latin required, but will include some memorized phrases and mottoes.


You can still register for this one.


Medusa Myth Exam


You can still register for this one.


Phaedrus Latin Contest


You can still register for this one.

Edited by latinteach
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I've found some more that look interesting...


Book Arts Bash

Writing contest. Deadline Jan.1


Association for Women in Mathematics Biography Contest

Interview and write a biography of a local women involved in mathematics. Deadline Feb. 27


Columbus State University Math Contest

Weekly contest with draws for T-shirts.


Large list of contests:

Hoagie's Gifted:Contests

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I made a Squidoo Lens on this topic - I have some mentioned there that you haven't mentioned yet:




FYI - my kids and our homeschool group have had a lot of success with contests. At present my youngest's Stock Market team is in 3rd place in our region (there is money in it for the top 3 teams ....)


One I didn't mention on my lens is the Linguistics contests http://www.naclo.cs.cmu.edu/. This is not one we have done well in yet, but I think it is fun and I hope with some practice my kids can get the hang of it


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