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Need help planning a kids' (casino) party...

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Okay, I have never gambled or played games like poker or blackjack in my life. My ten year old would like a casino-type party and I don't know where to begin. I don't know what games are good to have for kids. I don't know what kinds of decorations or food or music to have. Of course, we wouldn't gamble for money, but is there some fun way to adapt this for kids? Oh - I would like to make my invitations (maybe using scrapbook paper/stickers/die-cuts).


Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! :001_smile:

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Okay, I have never gambled or played games like poker or blackjack in my life. My ten year old would like a casino-type party and I don't know where to begin. I don't know what games are good to have for kids. I don't know what kinds of decorations or food or music to have. Of course, we wouldn't gamble for money, but is there some fun way to adapt this for kids? Oh - I would like to make my invitations (maybe using scrapbook paper/stickers/die-cuts).


Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! :001_smile:


p.s. I am not too worried about parents being upset, calling this a casino party, but if there is another option, I'm all ears!

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We had a Poker party for DS's 10th birthday. We had 10 boys.


We did not gamble for money, as we did want that "stigma" attached to the party.


Instead, we asked for no gifts, but did mention donating to DS's favorite charity (and then had a donation jar with charity poster at the party). Everyone donated.


We just went with poker as it required very little investment. I bought some green fabric for table covering. We had cards and poker chips.


We gave each boy a certain amount of poker chips to start with. DH went over the rules of poker, and they had a practice round. Then the boys played for the next two hours. They were supposed to swim, but it in ended up raining. So as the boys went out of chips, they just kind of hung around, watched the others, a few boys started another card game (can't remember what it was, but just a regular card game, non-gambling type) while they waited.


For prizes/incentive, we had a 1st/2nd/3rd place goodie bags that they were playing for. We didn't let them open the goodie bags there, but instead gave them out to the winners as they left (to avoid any non-winners feeling bad)


We had snacks, and let the boys eat througout, helping themselves.



It was alot of fun, and the boys seemed to enjoy themselves. Plus unlike other parties we have had, where I am running crazy, this was very peaceful once we got the poker going.


We didn't have anyone else helping, just DH as the dealer, and me as the general hostess/helper so we couldn't have done any other games along with poker. Plus we didn't want to have to invest $$$ into things we wouldn't used otherwise. But I bet a Craps table wouldn't be too hard to build if you were handy. I don't even know how to play that, though. Roulette would be fun too, if you have the table, or could rent it from a party store place. That game would be easy for the boys to pick up on.




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I think I learned to add fast playing "21" (Blackjack) w/ my Dad as a kid! Talk about mental math, lol.


Decorations: Black and Red? Or if you are going with a particular theme, like Vegas or Morocco or Mississippi River Boat? Or perhaps pick a casino your son might know and call it that? (Treasure Island (TI) in Las Vegas has a pirate theme.) Maybe bring in some the terminology (Hit Me, High Roller, Face Cards, Snake Eyes, ect).


Can you have them 'gamble' candy? That's what we used to do...kinda like Monopoly, everyone starts out with the same amount. Maybe pick out a few fav candies (for me that would be Snickers!) and some cheaper candies.


Keno (similar bingo!) would be fun game to play and cheap to put together. Someone mentioned Craps--easy and fun too.


There are a zillion different poker games that can be played.

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