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X-post: Fine motor delay & writing


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If you know dc has a diagnosed fine motor delay, but no other obvious cognitive contra-indicators would you go ahead with academic work with some writing accomodations?


I'm thinking of next year, when we start WWE & FLL, so this maybe premature, since ds is doing much better and is getting OT for fine motor skills, and there is a decent chance his handwriting skills will be on grade level next year.


But...if they are not, would it be reasonable to skip (or minimize) the copywork and just continue with teaching printing at his skill level (with HWOT) for handwriting? He can narrate, memorize and comprehend things just fine, but his fingers actually have neurological delays. Could we go ahead with the narration/grammar parts of WWE & FLL and just have me write the parts that need to be written or something? How have those of you who dealt with fine motor delays handled this issue? I don't really want to hold him back curriculum-wise just because he can't physically write when he could gain so much from the narration and memorization!

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If you approach copywork with more of a CM bent then would would start off with having the child copy 1 letter as perfectly as possible, then move to a word, then phrase, then short sentence, long etc.


As Aurelia said i would hold off on WWE because that is actually a writing program but FLL is grammar and more verbal. It does have some copywork but you could modify.

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