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If you've been to Sea World Orlando lately

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Do they still let you bring food in?


We were there Oct 2007 and they searched our bags going in and didn't say anything about water bottles/ snacks/ etc. that we were bringing in. We saved a bundle that vacation bring our food and drinks into Disney and SW.


We are heading back down in a couple of weeks and didn't know what to expect. We are also wondering about Busch Gardens and Aquatica.


I know that the policy officially states that outside food is prohibited but they certainly didn't enforce it at all.


Trying hard to stretch that vacation budget...feeding six on the road sure adds up!




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We have always brought our lunch into the Disney parks, since it's not even against official policy there, but stopped short of doing the same at Sea World since we thought they didn't allow it. However, my kids and I were just at SW in September and saw people bringing food in without a problem.

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