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Cute lyrics to remember Aztecs and Inca


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Cortes Defeats the Aztecs

Sung to the tune of “My bonnie lies over the oceanâ€

by Jacki Christy

From Spain Cortes sailed on the ocean

Across the Atlantic so green

Sailed off to Central America

Seeking treasures and land for his queen.

He brought along horses and armor,

With cannons and weapons so strange,

The Aztecs had seen nothing like this,

Their old world was certain to change.

The Aztec leader, Montezuma

Welcomed the Spaniards with his charm

He hoped by offering them gifts

The Spaniards would do them no harm.

Cortes, a Spanish conquistador,

Was trained and ready for a war

Killed Aztec warriors with expertise

As more natives died from disease.

Tenochtitlan fell to the Spaniards

Montezuma their leader was slain

Spain took control over this country

Spanish still is spoken today.

The Aztecs

By Jacki Christy

Sung to the tune of “Are you sleeping…â€

Aztec people

Walked for miles

Looking for the symbol

Ordered by their god

Had to see an eagle

Sitting on a cactus

Snacking on a snake!

Snacking on a snake!

Aztec people

Walked for miles

Through Central America

Now called Mexico

Finally saw the eagle

Sitting on a cactus

Snacking on a snake!

Snacking on a snake!

So the Aztecs

Built their city here,

Built it on a lake

By the snacking snake!

Called their city Tenochtitlan

“la-and of the prickly pearâ€




was their leader

Led them into battle

With many villages

Took their neighbors from their homes

Sacrificing some to gods

Montezuma and

Aztec Warriors.

Then Cortes came

Sailed up on a ship from Spain

Conquered them

Enslaved their men

Took over Tenochtitlan

Montezuma then was killed

Cortes wanted gold!

The Spaniards wanted gold!

Inca Tune

by Jacki Christy

Sung to the tune of “Are you sleeping…â€

Machu Picchu, Machu Picchu,

City in the clouds, city in the clouds,

This is where the Inca lived,

Farming on their terraces,

Machu Picchu, Machu Picchu.

Then Pizarro came, sailing on a ship from Spain,

Conquered them, enslaved their men.

Made them mine for silver,

In the queen’s name,

Pizarro, Pizarro!


From page 28 of Land Ho! Early Exploration and Settlement of the Americas here:


Edited by nestof3
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When I clicked on the link it took me to a page with a bunch of categorical links. Which heading is this under?


Land Ho! Early Exploration and Settlement of the Americas


I forgot that you cannot copy and paste their links, and it's too big to attach here.

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