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Nerf gun birthday party ideas?

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We just did this for my now 11 year old son. It was a huge hit. One of his friends did a long one in a park over the summer. We did it in our (small) yard. We had girls and boys there and the girls (who hadn't done it before) got into it as much as the boys.


Get extra darts.


Haven't done it indoors.

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It's hard that it has to be inside, but I think I would do target shooting, which is the obvious choice; load your gun races; bullet hunt and then race to shoot something; maybe mark a few bullets and have them confer special power to shooter or victim?


Outside of shooting games, you could do army boot camp exercises and have them crack a code or something.


Good luck and have fun!

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We did one with my oldest, years ago. My only suggestion would be to put breakables away, have a clear discussion of the rules (maybe write them out on posterboard, etc.), and mark all the arrows with the participants' initials before beginning.


You are smart to have a small party. Earplugs are optional, but nice.


Have fun!


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Since ours was outside we divided up in teams and had sort of a capture the flag type game. It sort of devolved into a free form game. We had a larger group than you do, and they were LOUD -- it is amazing how much louder the older kids can be. Our guy isn't, so I forget what a group of 10/11 year olds is like.


My son often gets together with 2 other friends and they just do freeform shooting each other. It is usually outside, though. At our house it gets too crazy if 2 try to do inside, and we start losing darts.

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I'm not sure how many varieties of Nerf guns there are, but here are a few thoughts that I came up with that could be done with the type my son has (shoots small darts with suction cups on the end).


-make a target on a sliding glass door with sections of different point values. doesn't have to be a traditional 'bull's eye'.

- design challenge. they must shoot a specific design. design is pre-determined and chosen at random (star,triangle,arrow...) have them compete as a single player or in teams.

-with two teams and sliding glass door, team A tries to shoot window and get dart to stick. team B tries to block the dart with their body (wear safety goggles). winning team has most darts on window.

-bowling type game where light weight objects are lining up and they try to knock them over.

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We had about 7 or 8 boys over when ds turned 11. Best party ever, according to my ds. We had several nerf guns, but asked a few boys to bring theirs. I bought tons of darts--could have used even more. We also asked everyone to bring sunglasses--eye protection. We set up a few places to hide behind in the backyard (used big boxes, trash cans, chairs covered in blankets). The boys divided into two teams and went at it. My dh joined in...I think he had more fun than the boys.


If you have a Wii, they also have a Nerf gun game.

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We had a nerf gun party recently. It was a Pizza/pool party and during play time ds passed out nerf guns and they all went outside and played Capture the Flag and just regular war games. The kids had a blast.


Unfortunately, I lost a friend over it. She went completely postal because the kids were playing with guns and my sun (gasp!) pointed a gun at her. She said she was "scared" of him and she thought it was very unnatural and aggressive to play with guns.


The kids had great fun. The old friend was too high maintenance. All turned out well. But I would check with all the moms to make sure it's ok for the kids to play with the nerf guns. Some people have very strong feelings about guns.

Edited by tdeveson
Corrected typo "sacred" to "scared"
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We had a nerf gun party recently. It was a Pizza/pool party and during play time ds passed out nerf guns and they all went outside and played Capture the Flag and just regular war games. The kids had a blast.


Unfortunately, I lost a friend over it. She went completely postal because the kids were playing with guns and my sun (gasp!) pointed a gun at her. She said she was "sacred" of him and she thought it was very unnatural and aggressive to play with guns.


The kids had great fun. The old friend was too high maintenance. All turned out well. But I would check with all the moms to make sure it's ok for the kids to play with the nerf guns. Some people have very strong feelings about guns.


I guess she would really hate the Airsoft battles around here. :D

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  • 1 year later...

It had some nerf games and some funny storyline thing of why they needed to be played. It was odd but funny. Something about zombies and hippies idk...http://www.CampusGames.net The games looked easy but fun

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We didn't do a nerf gun party, but we did a family fun night. I bought the glow-in-the-dark bullets, gave each person a gun and bullets, turned off all the lights, and we snuck around the house shooting each other. I shut the doors to certain rooms, so we used the living room, dining room, kitchen, entry way and hall. It was good for over an hour of screams and giggles. :)


My 76 year old mother, who lives with us, was the only non-participant. :D She went into her room and shut the door.

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