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time management

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I am struggling with time management. I am realizing that I get too bogged down with details on subjects, which makes us take too long. How can I streamline our study time to get through each subject at a weekly pace? I am homeschooling 2 kids, one in 6th grade and one in 8th-9th grade.


Here are the subjects I need to cover:


6th grader:

Rod & Staff English

Ray's Arithmetic

Real Science 4 Kids Chemistry

Latina Christiana

Literature selections

All American History


8th/9th grader - he is 14, but between 8th/9th grade level:

Write Shop

Grammar (Rod & Staff)

Ray's Arithmetic

Campbell's Biology

Lightning Literature

All American History

Latina Christiana


I can really use some time management advice! For example, it is hard for us to get through 1 science chapter in one week. I am beginning to think I am expecting too much to have my son understand every single concept that is presented in a chapter of Biology or history.


How do you streamline what is important and what is not important to avoid spending too much time on a particular concept?


I appreciate some good time management and teaching/planning advice. Thank you!

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I base my daily lessons on how much material I expect to cover by the end of the year, making sure there are some days of grace.


So I first count the number of pages that I want completed, plus tests. Then I divide that by the total number of days in that year's schooling. Lets say I come up with 3 pages of science a day. Then I go through the book and make a schedule that covers approximately 3-4 pages a day, leaning heavily in the 4 page direction, and looking for natural breaks in the text. This takes some time. When I am done, I have a list of how much I want to cover each day I do science, and there will be enough leeway for sick days or spontaneous outings (not too many of course.) I don't worry about finishing a chapter in a certain time frame, and I am not a stickler for keeping my schedule on exact days of the week, it is more of a guideline.


Math is the exception. I try to finish one lesson a day.

Edited by Virginia Dawn
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