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IEW SWI Continuation Course -- QUESTIONS!


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My ds9 is currently working his way through IEW SWI Level A, and I'm seriously considering purchasing the Continuation Course, so we can stay on track with a writing course for the rest of the year. We both really like Andrew Pudewa, and would prefer a video course rather than a book-based class, but the continuation course isn't exactly cheap, so I'm hoping someone has already used it and can provide me with a review before I place my order.


Thanks!!! :001_smile:



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The continuation course isn't cheap - however, sometimes you can find it used. Also, you will probably be able to sell it for around $200 when you're done with it. We've used SICC A and B and really do like Andrew doing the teaching. It is so much easier for me. With Jill Pike's lesson plans (for 36 weeks), there is a set structure, but also we tweak and alter assignments as the need arises. Also, I wanted to add, that we spread the continuation course over 2 years b/c there are so many writing assignments. We usually do SICC A in 4th/5th grade. Using it for longer also helps justify the higher price tag! If you find you want to move more quickly, you could add more writing assignments, but we have found spreading it over two years to be plenty of writing for each year and gives us time for grammar and lit.




You could do SWI A this year, then the Ancients theme-based course next. I'm fairly sure that would put you in SICC B for the next video course (skipping SICC A). From what I remember, the ancients theme-bsed course is similar in content to the SICC A. You should call IEW for more info - they are really helpful and will help you design a curriculum plan using IEW materials.


Hope this helps!

Edited by sandra in va
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