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SOTW for logic stage ?s

Earth Yarn

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I know I am way ahead of myself here but I was curious and where there is curiosity there is a question :p


I plan on using SOTW for history through the grammar stage as I love the set up and love the methods used! Does anyone use it again for logic stage? I saw a "history of the ancient world" on amazon by SWB http://www.amazon.com/History-Ancient-World-Earliest-Accounts/dp/039305974X/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1255481702&sr=1-9 was this geared more towards logic stage or is this something completely different and un-HS related LOL


Beign a history buff working towards my masters in archeology I want something fun and engaging for my kiddos with accurate info. I love the way SOTW is written and haven't found anything thus far for older kiddos that has excited me nearly as much.


Thanks in advance for letting me pick your brains!

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It depends...we're using it(SOTW2) in logic stage, but not alone. I don't think it would be enough by itself. We're focusing on American History this year using History of US and using SOTW2 as our world history. I like to assign logic stage writing in history, and we need something more thought-provoking. With History of US for our American history, it's easy for me to assign logic stage writing. It took awhile for me to get used to, but now I really like the series.

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SWB's History of the Ancient World is a high school to adult book. Really good, but way too much for the logic stage for the great majority of kids.


You can use SOTW if you want to. It would be light, but PHP sells tests to go with it, and most people supplement pretty heavily. Biblioplan might work well for you for this, since it schedules SOTW and various other things, broken up by age groups. The SOTW AG also lists books to go with it, including readings from the history encyclopedias, which you may want to use for outlining in the logic stage. I have also seen people on here who do other things but add in the SOTW CDs in this stage to make things more interesting.


Another option for the logic stage is History Odyssey, which we love. I substitute some things and add in others to make it work for us, but it has really helped me to do logic stage history. HO works best for kids who like to write and who already like history, IMO.


I am sure someone who is doing this will post with what they do specifically to make SOTW work for them for this age group.

Best wishes!

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If I were going to use SOTW through the logic stage I would purchase the corresponding AG and make judicious use of the supplemental reading suggestions. I might purchase Kingfisher or another history encyclopedia to go with (the AG references the specific pages in Kingfisher and a few others that specifically correspond to each SOTW section). I would have my child set up their history notebook as outlined in TWTM and we'd be set!


Unfortunately I only stumbled across SOTW through TOG and now I'm hooked on Tapestry. I could save myself so much money doing it the way I described above!

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I'm using SOTW 1 with grammar and logic age kids. It works beautifully. The SOTW entry gives everyone background and then the olders move forward with Kingfisher and independent reading/research. We are loving it.


This week they are reading, scripting and performing an African folktale. I can't wait to see it!

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I'm planning to go through all of SOTW twice over because of the ages of my dc. 6yo going into grade 1 and 4yo going into kinder will start it (again) next year, then when they're ready for the second history cycle, my 1yo will be starting grade 1. So I was thinking just do the whole thing over, but ask for a lot more indepth work from the older two (more extended reading, more analysis and writing, time-line work) while just covering the basics with the little one.

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We still use SOTW now that we're in the logic stage, but we add more to it. Last year (fourth grade) I used it as a spine and added the Usborne Internet Linked Encyclopedia of World History. This year, we're doing History Odyssey and we're using even more books and resources to flesh it out. I'm also combing NetFlix for movies regularly for more resources.

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In the front of the activity guide, it has a short section on multilevel teaching. It says


for the older child (5-8th), have them read SOTW independently, follow with the appropriate pages in Kingfisher history encyclopedia, add dates to timeline, and then do additional reading at their grade level. See TWTM for detailed book lists.

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I intended on using SOTW for a logic stage spine, and did for awhile. My ds quickly bored of it and said he'd rather just read books than read through SOTW again. ~shrug~ (I switched his spine to Kingfisher History Encyclopedia, and the library is his main source of history.)


eta: He'd already been through all four SOTW and absolutely loved them the first time. :)

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