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update on dd and turkish charter school

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Well, first I wanted to thank ALL of you who responded to my plea for advice on having my daughter return to school. This was a public Charter School, run by Turkish men.


My daughter went for the day today, and absotlutely hated it. Her math teacher had a very thick Turkish accent, and she could not understand him.


She had a vocabulary test that she aced since it was very easy for her.


They do not focus on "quality" literature, instead they have the kids read for a half hour in their homeroom, from a book of their choice.(Mine was finishing Calico Captive).


They have no recess or break other then lunch which is for 15 minutes. Double block(2 hrs of Math) and Double block of Science(2 hrs).


Science they are doing classification, she already did that here.


So, if she never sees another inside of a school again, it will be to soon.


She said that "Maybe we will just see what happens come high school"...LOL


There is a top notch Engineering Program at our local Vocational High School(by acceptance only), that she has her eye on. It is Biomedical Engineering. My middle daughter is in 11th grade there, but she is in Cosmetology.


This engineering program is working with Renselaer(sp?) polytech, and WPI. And you have to take AP Math, AP English, and AP Science, and maintain a B or above to stay in the program. Very impressive.


So we have another 4 years to worry about that.


Oh, and they ARE(the Charter School) affilliated with FCG.


So yay, back to homeschooling.:D


Thank you again!!!!!!!!:lol:

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Thanks for the update! I think you guys will be happier without the huge commute! No recess---not good for blood flow and health! She'd probably actually get used to the accent after awhile, and understand it fine, but the negatives FAR outweigh the positives! WooHoo, glad that all worked out!

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I am REALLY happy too.:lol: I actually HAVE a child who WANTS to homeschool!!


I realized though, that we are waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy behind in Math in comparison to the public schools. But it will come in time(I hope..LOL)


Thanks for everything ladies!!!:D:D

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I'm so glad things worked out for you. :) My suggestion, not that you asked for it, is to ask the high school what they want to see in prospective students. What level of math should be completed? What subjects should be covered? Then ask here how experienced parents would accomplish these things.


Yay for you that you don't have to make that awful drive, ugh. :P

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So, the FCG affiliation came right from the Dean's mouth!! Wow.


And, no commute YAY.


I have checked with the local vocational school about entrance requirements to the engineering program, and it is required to have Algebra 1 done in 8th grade. So we are getting a move on.


But since she is really only grade 5, we have 3 years to get there.


Thanks everyone:001_smile:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have enjoyed reading about this. I too sent my kids to charter school with all Turkish administration and all Turkish board of directors (Except for one parent representative- and he didn't have any say in anything. The others all voted as a block on every issue, no matter his opinion).

At first I loved this school. I loved the Turkish classes, the clubs, the teachers, and the international atmosphere. In a lot of ways it was like going to a foreign country without leaving home!

One by one, the great, dedicated teachers left. Most of time we wouldn't even know they were leaving. They were ALWAYS replaced by another teacher from Turkey or a Turkish republic. Some of these could barely speak English. At the middle school grade level, it is easy to see the problems that caused, aside from teaching. The language the kids used in and out of class, right in front of these teachers was really terrible. When I and another Mom complained, the administration ignored it. They didn't even pretend to be concerned.

Then other issues arose. Why was the school always so hard up for money? Why were some talented American teachers being let go? Why was the school dirty and in disrepair? And other concerns. Some research last year led me to believe this school is connected to the Fetullah Gulen Movement. I don't like what I have read about this, and about it being so secretive.

An excellent article "Utah Charter school's ties to Turkey draw scrutiny" came out in the Salt Lake Tribune in July. I don't have the link, but I read it several times.

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