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Help-Another Singapore math question


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I read and read before I purchased 1A and 1B US Edition but it's not until I received it did I understand why people are having so many questions.


My child is already using Abeka 1st grade math and is half way through the book. She knows pretty much everything in the 1A and 1Bworkbooks already. Should I just let her work through them as she can, or do I still need to take some sort of systematic approach and use the home instructors guide and textbook? I didn't start off with 2A because I didn't know if she might miss something and wanted it to be easy at first and learn their method. I hope that makes sense! So my question is, can she work through them as a workbook and I start teaching her when she no longer gets it?

Thanks for your help!


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At that level, just have her do what she can and bring out the HiG book when you need it. My dd started with SM 2 and did fine. I handle all my math by teaching only when I need to. In fact, my dd decided to do 2 grades the year she had SM 2, and whipped through it as well as SM3. I should mention, though, that we were doing 2 math programs. so that made a difference in how much I needed to teach her. Plus, she's very vs and the early levels of graphing & geometry were self-explanatory to her just by the pictures. Then we slowed down with SM 4 since she thought she'd rather play than do all those pages, and that was fine with me. The higher the level, the more teaching I generally have to do, but it really depends on your dc.

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When my ds was in that position I let him breeze thru 1a, 1b and 2a. I considered it review for him and a chance for me to be sure he understood Singapore's methods.


I did not teach anything at all. Just helped him along if there was ever one wrong. I only used the workbook if he happened to get any wrong and thought he could use a little more practice with math facts. But we mostly did not. Although, I use the standards edition and I purchase the tests and have him do them at the end of each section.


Hope this helps!

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We did a similar thing. I think the textbook alone would be good review if she already knows most of it. The singapore methods really come into play later, in level 2B and 3, I think, when the word problems become multi-step. This is sometimes a challenging concept for that age. We find the practice exercises and reviews in the textbooks to be excellent.

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We did a similar thing. I think the textbook alone would be good review if she already knows most of it. The singapore methods really come into play later, in level 2B and 3, I think, when the word problems become multi-step. This is sometimes a challenging concept for that age. We find the practice exercises and reviews in the textbooks to be excellent.




Make sure you show her every step in the textbook, even if she "already" knows how to solve the problems her own way. She can solve them her own way, but she needs to see that there are multiple ways to solve problems. She needs to see the textbook diagrams for visualizing the problems and talking about the problems. That will help her in later years.



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Doing the problems may be a breeze, but it's the process Singapore uses that they need to learn. My son does most of the math in 2A mentally, but I make him slow down and use the various methods they teach to work through the problem on the whiteboard. In that way we see if his orginal answer was correction.


Just because he can state the answer is not the entire point. It's good, but it's all about the process.

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