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Anyone have the Imaginext Batcave??? need help

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I ordered this for my 3yo for his birthday, but sent it back because the purple dial just inside the drawbridge doesn't work. I thought it was supposed to lower or raise the front gate, but it doesn't do either. I looked at a video on Amazon (posted by a customer) who shows the bridge coming up when the dial is turned. So....

I returned it to Amazon and ordered another. I just opened the packaging and I'm having the same problem again!!! If you have this toy, does that purple dial really do anything? I see the dial move when you manipulate the gate from the outside, but when I turn the dial by itself, nothing happens. I don't want to send this back if there's really nothing wrong. Help!!

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I think it must be just a poor design. Ours will lower the front gate, but will not raise it. The red circle with footprints just outside the gate has a little handle on it that will raise and lower the gate and when you move it, it also turns the purple dial on the inside, so I get the impression the purple dial is supposed to raise and lower the gate. Not a good design I guess...but HOURS of fun!!:D

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I think it must be just a poor design. Ours will lower the front gate, but will not raise it. The red circle with footprints just outside the gate has a little handle on it that will raise and lower the gate and when you move it, it also turns the purple dial on the inside, so I get the impression the purple dial is supposed to raise and lower the gate. Not a good design I guess...but HOURS of fun!!:D


The purple thing does nothing on ours. The red circle with footprints does opens and closes the gate, and turns the purple thing.

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