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Beautiful Feet...a few questions


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I'm planning ahead here, so please bear with me. Currently we're using and LOVING Five in a Row. We'll be using this for one more year, and then we'll use Winter Promise Children Around the World. I already purchased it, and we're really excited about using it, too.:) I was able to get most of the package used for a very good price. Now, on to the years after that....WP is very pricey, and I know I can't afford it unless I find a really great bargain again. So...I've been looking at Beautiful Feet. I already own several of the necessary books listed in their packages, and they will deduct that price. Yay!!!:D I like the looks of Beautiful Feet, but I'd really like to hear from those of you who have used it-both pros and cons. Thanks!

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We love it! We've used BF History of Science and BF Geography. I'm not using Beautiful Feet right now and can't wait to get back to it for Ancient History next year.


The literature selections are excellent and the discussion questions are interesting and relevant (not just busy work). My middle-schooler used the discussion questions as notebooking exercises to work independently and then we would discuss her answers a couple times per week.

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I've used BF Geography, Science, Classical Music, Early American Primary, Early American Intermediate, and US and World Jr. High.


I used Early American Primary years ago with my oldest. It was not a big hit for her at the time. She did not like the literature approach. So, we set BF aside and moved on.


Then 2 years ago, I was looking for a 1 semester science program. BF was a hit. It fit the bill nicely and showed us the joys of lit approach again.


Classical Music is a joy. It is easy to teach and provides a nice overview of major composers and the orchestra.


Geography is okay. It is not what I would call a "serious" geography course. We enjoyed the books, but I would not buy it for full price. It is okay, not thrilling, but okay.


I put my youngest in the intermediate American last year. We have loved this so much. I stretched it out by adding art, geography, additional readers, essay topics, dvds etc. We plan to start Westward Expansion very soon.


Jr High was a tough transition. Remember the child who did not like lit approach? This is the one. I wanted BF because I wanted her to learn how to read a text and glean info from it. I wanted her to learn how to take notes from the text, draw conclusions, make outlines, dive into the time period. BF provides all that. 7th grade was tough. I almost wish I had waited to start this program in 8th. I did stretch it to be a 2 year program by adding (like I did with the intermediate) additional resources. This year is going much better. She has caught onto the concept and is enjoying the process. I heard her tell her friends that history is her favorite subject. We can discuss the materials and enjoy it as a family too. I plan to stick with BF throughout high school. (that is the plan, remember we are only in 8th grade).

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Guest Cindie2dds



This is good to know about the composer study. I had asked a question about their Classical Music study, and I'm glad to hear it was a joy.



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We're doing Early American History Intermediate with my 4th grader. We love it! I plan on going their Geography unit and Westward expansion next year with both girls.


We love the books, we love the ease of use, we love the flexibility, we love the lesson plans. :D




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I noticed on the BF site it says that the Westward Expansion Guide was "designed as a read aloud program." I looked back and noticed it says this for several of the other guides as well. Did you use the American History Guide for Intermediate Students as a read aloud or did your dd do it independently? This may be where I'm having problems with it. I've been having my 5th and 6th graders do most of the reading independently.


Oh, and if you do use it as a read aloud program, do you add other books for your dc to read independently?



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