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What's your weekly meal rotation?

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If you have one. I've noticed that some homeschooling moms on their blogs have such creative ideas that maybe this has been extended to meals too. You know, Monday is French with an exotic fruit, Tuesday roast, Wednesday-soup from the leftover roast, etc. I'm not looking for recipes here, just wondering what you've all dreamed up and actually carry out in your home. Here's my plain Jane rotation (using an interesting variety of recipes as much as possible).




Thursday-pork/ham or leftovers


Saturday-mom's day off


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I have been, uh, not so good about planning meals of late (as evidenced by the children, at 8:15, finishing their leftover pizza) but when I was actually good about it, I did it the same way, and then I would just plug in interesting or tried-and-true recipes for each genre.


thanks for the reminder; I really need to sit down and plan some meals tomorrow.

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Every two weeks I ask my family, "What do you want to eat for the next two weeks?" I ask them for 7 dinners, 7 breakfasts, 7 snacks and 7 lunches. Then I write a grocery list that will support each of their 7 choices twice.


Because we repeat the first week's menu on the 2nd week, I can have planned overs for some of the evenings. For instance, if they ask for corned beef or meat loaf, I cook double and freeze half for the following week.


If they ask for roast chicken, I suggest they look forward to chicken soup later in the week. If they don't request a dinner that would work those nights when hubby and I go out and leave the kids at home, I suggest one. Because the menu is refreshed every 2 weeks, and they make the decisions, there's little boredom.


I add a lot of variety into our meals by constantly trying to introduce new vegetable dishes, bread recipes and the like. I try to keep them supplied with fruit, and I encourage them to try fruits they haven't tried before, or don't eat often. They're rarely aware of it, but I tweek their diets to keep them healthy through the way I prepare their foods and the brands I buy. For the most part they don't even know they eat healthy.

Edited by Elizabeth Conley
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Rotation? Hardly. When I make out the week's grocery list, I use the sale ads and what we have on hand as the basis for what we're going to eat. I try to make sure there is a balance between types of proteins (beef, pork, turkey [i can't eat chicken], fish, vegetarian) and types of vegetables but that's about it. The kids give me ideas during the week that I will jot down to have as the ingredients go on sale but nothing's set in stone. For example, over the next week, we are having:

Sunday - homemade pizza, salad, homemade pear pie

Monday - African feast to complement history study

Tuesday - Ham-stuffed baked potatoes and green beans

Wednesday - Pea pottage and homemade bread

Thursday - Spaghetti and salad

Friday - Chicken fried steak, asparagus, mashed potatoes and gravy, and birthday cake (DS turns 7 and he chose this meal)

Saturday - Leftovers

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