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For those of you using CLE math.......


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My dd, 8th grade this year, is working in CLE math level 6 (currently book 603). Math is NOT her best subject and we have gotten behind in math. If I continue to work with her using CLE will she never be on track? I guess I am thinking of high school......I can't see putting her in Algebra in 9th grade..... it seems CLE starts to cover "algebraic" type problems earlier than other programs. Oh, I could put her in another program such as Teaching Textbooks or MUS for 9th grade, but I do not think that they are thorough enough (part of the reason she is behind imo). I have had much experience with MUS and some with TT. Their coverage is SO minimal compared to CLE.


All that to say, should I just keep progressing at our own speed and forget about what she "should" be taking in in her high school years? Any suggestions?


Thanks :001_huh:

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FInish CLE math 6. You can do CLE math 7 in grade 9 and then do


algebra I - gr 10

geometry - gr 11

algebra II - gr 12




go to algebra after CLE math 6 - yes you CAN do this! I'm not sure if your dc will be ready for this but it can be done. TT algebra in grade 9 might work well for your dc.


My older ds used the first 50 lessons of Saxon algebra I and it was VERY similar to CLE math 7 at the beginning. I borrowed that Saxon book (2 yrs ago). I'm waiting for my own copy to arrive so I can compare CLE math 7 to Saxon algebra I. Depending on how they compare, we may skip CLE math 7 and do Saxon algebra over 2 yrs. OR finish CLE math 7 this year and do Saxon algebra next year for gr. 8.


CLE math 6 lays an excellent math foundation!

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FInish CLE math 6. You can do CLE math 7 in grade 9 and then do


algebra I - gr 10

geometry - gr 11

algebra II - gr 12




go to algebra after CLE math 6 - yes you CAN do this! I'm not sure if your dc will be ready for this but it can be done. TT algebra in grade 9 might work well for your dc.


My older ds used the first 50 lessons of Saxon algebra I and it was VERY similar to CLE math 7 at the beginning. I borrowed that Saxon book (2 yrs ago). I'm waiting for my own copy to arrive so I can compare CLE math 7 to Saxon algebra I. Depending on how they compare, we may skip CLE math 7 and do Saxon algebra over 2 yrs. OR finish CLE math 7 this year and do Saxon algebra next year for gr. 8.


CLE math 6 lays an excellent math foundation!


So the first sequence you suggested would be using the CLE materials right? Do you think that the Algebra/Geometry in CLE is too hard to teach especially if I am teaching 3 other grade levels of math with CLE?


So you think that if she finishes all of CLE math 6 that she could go into TT Algebra? Do you think it is thorough enough? My experience with TT (1 year Grade 6) was that it is NOT thorough enough. Is it different when they get to Algebra using TT? I don't want to make the same mistake again.

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My oldest is in exactly the same place. Math has always been a struggle for her...and CLE is the first curriculum that she has understood/retained/not needed me to sit & explain everything to her!


She used CLE 600 last year (8th) and is using CLE 700 this year (9th). She is currently on LU705 and will finish before the "school year" is over. I plan to have her go on to CLE 800 immediately. I do not plan to use CLE 900 for math as it doesn't appear to be the updated (Sunrise?) edition. I'll have to decide on something for Algebra 1 at that point.


On her transcript, I plan to call CLE 700 & 800 "Pre-Algebra." That is where she, progressing at her own speed and finally understanding!!

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My oldest is in exactly the same place. Math has always been a struggle for her...and CLE is the first curriculum that she has understood/retained/not needed me to sit & explain everything to her!


She used CLE 600 last year (8th) and is using CLE 700 this year (9th). She is currently on LU705 and will finish before the "school year" is over. I plan to have her go on to CLE 800 immediately. I do not plan to use CLE 900 for math as it doesn't appear to be the updated (Sunrise?) edition. I'll have to decide on something for Algebra 1 at that point.


On her transcript, I plan to call CLE 700 & 800 "Pre-Algebra." That is where she, progressing at her own speed and finally understanding!!



This is so encouraging to me! Thank you for posting!:) Do you find it hard to teach those higher levels of math using CLE, especially since it looks like you have others that you are teaching? I still take the time to present the new lesson on the white board to make sure she understands the concept. This also helps me so that if she runs into problems later with the "We remember" sections I can help her because I am familiar with it. Then I don't have to go back through the books and look for where the concept was covered? KWIM? Any suggestions?

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I don't present the new lesson...if she doesn't understand it, she comes to me. Sometimes "we (don't) remember" how to do something and I wish CLE had all the info in one place! But we work through it. She is scoring 92-100 on the quizzes and tests. I check & then we go over the missed ones together. This independence is working well for us, but if it wasn't, I'd definitely teach the new lesson to her.

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So the first sequence you suggested would be using the CLE materials right? Do you think that the Algebra/Geometry in CLE is too hard to teach especially if I am teaching 3 other grade levels of math with CLE?


So you think that if she finishes all of CLE math 6 that she could go into TT Algebra? Do you think it is thorough enough? My experience with TT (1 year Grade 6) was that it is NOT thorough enough. Is it different when they get to Algebra using TT? I don't want to make the same mistake again.


No, I wouldn't use CLE algebra! I bought the first LU and it's terrible! Saxon is similar to CLE combining basic math, algebra and geometry.


Yes, I think your dc could go onto a homeschool friendly algebra I program after CLE math 6 - like TT, Saxon, MUS, or BJU. I've never used these programs but carefully looked at them over the years.


I suggest Saxon algebra I because it's most like CLE and you can buy videos to go with it from 3 different sources - DIVE, Saxon Teacher or Art Reed - whichever fits your style.


Have you considered wasting some money? :tongue_smilie: I say that in all honesty because sometimes it's better to lose some money than time. My older ds still wishes he finished algebra I in grade 8 at home and skipped to algebra II at his private high school in gr 9. He could have done this if "I" didn't waste time trying to find an algebra program that "I" liked. He repeated algebra I in grade 9 at his private high school.


Spend sometime looking at CLE math 7 scope & sequence and samples - maybe buy CLE 701 and 801. 701 is a review of CLE math 6 and 801 is a review of CLE math 7. Then look at TT algebra I table of contents and compare it to CLE math 7. Do the same with Saxon algebra I. This will give you a better idea of where you are headed. BUY CLE math 7 or TT or Saxon IF needed ahead of time to compare them for what WILL work for your dc.


Saxon is the easiest to buy used and then if you don't like it sell for almost or the same $$ that you paid. I bought a used set from ebay.


The EASIEST thing to do would be to stick with CLE math 7 & 8. It depends on your goals.


If you go with TT then:


Gr. 9 - TT alg. 1

Gr. 10 - TT alg. 2

Gr. 11 - geo.

gr. 12 - pre cal


Have you dc watch the TT and Saxon sample videos to get a better idea which she will like.

Edited by MIch elle
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I just want to chime in..... we are using CLE 8 and LOVE it! It covers business math, geometry and even starts Algebra (ie: slope and y-intercept).


In my non-expert opinion I would do either CLE 7 or 8 before starting Saxon or BJU Algebra 1. If you can do some of CLE 7 over the summer you could move into CLE 8 for 9th grade. LU 801 is a complete review of CLE 7, so you would know right away if she knows the material.


However, TT Alg 1 might be a good way to go to keep her on track for starting Algebra in 9th grade. TT is a little behind at first, but by the time she completes TT Pre-Calc in 12th grade (where Alg 2 is finished for TT) she would be caught up.


I also like Algebra Demystified, Painless Algebra and Forgotten Algebra which could be completed over a summer to prepare for or reinforce Algebra 1.


My 2 cents,

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