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early menopause

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I saw my doctor today and was told that I am starting menopause already, and I am 39, turning 40 in Jan.


I assume it's perimenopause. Anyways, other than feeling a bit depressed about it, is there anything I should be doing about it?


I have been getting hot flushes, and it's been 66 days and counting since my last . .


I know it's a normal and natural stage in life, but I never thought it would happen to me so soon. My mom had a hysterectomy before 40 (she still has her ovaries), but didn't remember feeling hot flushes until close to 50. I just feel like I'm getting old faster now because of this.

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My period stopped when I was 43. In hindsight, I should have known it was coming as I had my last child at 34 in spite of trying to have more. I had two miscarriages when I was 39 and 40 and was told I had "old eggs". Because of my early age and other risk factors my doctor had me start bio-identical hormones. I've really not experienced the hot flashes to any degree of severe discomfort but i understand that I probably will when I decide to stop the hormones. I can't say that I miss my monthly :) but in spite of regular exercise and being a healthy weight, I do have a lot of achiness that shouldn't be there for my age.

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I went through menopause at 37. It was a complete shock to me!! Thankfully, I was finished having children. My dr. thought I was too young to be without the protection of estrogen, so I'm on hormone replacement therapy. The hormones make me feel younger and normal again. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them for you. There is an excellent book that helped me through the "change" called - Premature Menopause Book - When the Change of Life Comes too Early

by Kathryn Petras.

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I went through menopause at 37. It was a complete shock to me!! Thankfully, I was finished having children. My dr. thought I was too young to be without the protection of estrogen, so I'm on hormone replacement therapy. The hormones make me feel younger and normal again. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them for you. There is an excellent book that helped me through the "change" called - Premature Menopause Book - When the Change of Life Comes too Early

by Kathryn Petras.


Thank you. I have requested that book from my library. My doctor didn't suggest any hormones for me so far. If I have any questions, I'll definitely ask you.



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My period stopped when I was 43. In hindsight, I should have known it was coming as I had my last child at 34 in spite of trying to have more. I had two miscarriages when I was 39 and 40 and was told I had "old eggs". Because of my early age and other risk factors my doctor had me start bio-identical hormones. I've really not experienced the hot flashes to any degree of severe discomfort but i understand that I probably will when I decide to stop the hormones. I can't say that I miss my monthly :) but in spite of regular exercise and being a healthy weight, I do have a lot of achiness that shouldn't be there for my age.


I have been feeling achey lately, and I was thinking that I was coming down with the flu or something, but maybe it's because of the early menopause. My doctor said that I will probably still get my period, but maybe in a few months.

The only good thing that I can think of (so far) in starting menopause early is to not have to deal with periods anymore :).

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