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If you are sensitive to lentils

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Disclaimer, do not challenge major food allergies on your own, our has all been under doctor's supervision, monitoring, and in office oral challenges.


I'm not sure what my problem is - I think I've got it narrowed down to lentils, though. I sometimes have ridiculous bloating - I mean even my "fat pants" don't fit, and they are 1-2 sizes bigger than my regular ones! And it lasts days, sometimes weeks. I'm fairly certain its related to something I eat, but its taking forever for me to determine what it is. Its not dairy and its not wheat, I've pretty much eliminated those as culprits. I'm pretty sure its not black beans, pinto beans or peas. Chickpeas, red beans (one of my favorites) and lentils are what I'm leaning toward. :mad:

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My eldest actually went into anaphylactic shock as a baby (11 months old) from red lentils. Scary. I am not sure why, though. He never reacted to brown lentils. To further complicate things, the fridge (unbeknownst to me) wasn't cooling very well. I had baked them the night before, so they were in a cool (not cold) fridge for less than 24 hours. I realized it was on the blink after the incident, that it was running but not cooling well.


He hasn't reacted on a skin test at the allergist's, so it's all very murky.... We still avoid them.

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I get an itchy mouth from lentils and garbanzo beans. Also some soy products, but only those that are heavily soy based. I am very allergic to peanuts. Pinto beans, kidney beans, black beans and navy beans are fine. No reaction at all. It is a bummer about the garbanzos and lentils because I love hummus and lentils are so economical and healthy.

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I get that terrible bloating from barley...at least I think that is what it is. And also stomach pain. I get it some from lentils, too. I just had Lentil & Potato Stew tonight and felt over-full and bloated with only a normal bowl of it.


I wonder...since lentils are full of fiber, maybe drinking more water when eating them would help.



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since it's 'just' ;) digestive stuff that could easily be attributed to the fiber and complicated digestion associated with beans (high protein/high carb), what about trialing digestive enzymes when you eat lentils.


Digestive enzymes make many meals pleasurable for me that wouldn't be otherwise.


My favorite brand is Garden of Life O-Zyme aka Ω-zyme aka Omegazyme.




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since it's 'just' ;) digestive stuff that could easily be attributed to the fiber and complicated digestion associated with beans (high protein/high carb), what about trialing digestive enzymes when you eat lentils.


Digestive enzymes make many meals pleasurable for me that wouldn't be otherwise.


My favorite brand is Garden of Life O-Zyme aka Ω-zyme aka Omegazyme.





It is just digestive stuff. Its certainly not a full blown allergy - that I would recognize. I think I will give the enzymes a try; I've got some for dh for other reasons (I think I've got Mega-Zyme by ET and papaya enzyme), but for some reason never really thought of taking them myself!


And water; it is possible that I just don't drink enough to process all the fiber.



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