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Spelling Workout...Need Level Help


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I have an above average 3rd grade speller. I really like WTM and the philosophy. What are your thoughts on Spelling Workout overall. My dd is very verbal and LOVES writing, if that helps anyone. I don't know which book to put her on either. Should I do C? D? Don't know.


Any input you have would be great!


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I would try level D. Thats what we are doing, if it ever gets here, it is on backorder. I pulled the books up on amazon to look at the insides of the books. I just guessed based on the difficulty of the words in level D.



Lesson 1 words

until, swift, bottles, pineapple, banner, hundren, fame, later, film, gallon, traffic, eleven, wild, silent, letters, dollar, barrel, twelve, hammer, seven.


lesson 22 words

appointed, boiling, broiling, crayon, destroyed, disappoint, disloyal, displays, employ, fray, noises, praised, railroad, royaloty, soybean, spoiled, sprain, swaying, voices, waist.


Sometimes the words seem easy, but the lessons can be challenging. There are a lot of phonics which is why I decided to go with this program. We are liking it alot so far. One child has had books for several weeks (level E), the level D student book for my third grader is not here yet, but I have the teacher book.

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My dd loves Spelling Workout. She is 6.5 and a natural speller as well as a fluent reader. She is in the last third of level B. I have level C here. There is a "pep talk" at the beginning of each lesson giving the "rules" for the list. The pre-lesson, if you will, is a story (they seem to be all non-fiction) with a few spelling words used. There are six small activities (only the first one uses all the words) per week. The first one usually splits the list up by phonetic rules. The second and third are activities such as rhyming, scrambled puzzle, dictionary work, or word shape puzzle. Then there is a writing promt where the student writes a paragraph using as many list words as he or she can. The last activity is proofreading. There are five All-Star Words with different prompts. There is a dictionary in the back which includes all the list words. There are 15 words per list until week 20 when they increase to 20. All of the list words are written in cursive after lesson 18. Here is a link to the table of contents: http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/product?item_no=628172&item_code=WW&netp_id=222193&event=ESRCN&view=covers#curr. IMHO, these words are easy for an above average third grader. For example, week 3 has faces, wagon, and danger and week 35 has hour, our, pear, pair, and pear. Happy choosing!

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I would try level D. Thats what we are doing, if it ever gets here, it is on backorder. I pulled the books up on amazon to look at the insides of the books. I just guessed based on the difficulty of the words in level D.



Lesson 1 words

until, swift, bottles, pineapple, banner, hundren, fame, later, film, gallon, traffic, eleven, wild, silent, letters, dollar, barrel, twelve, hammer, seven.


lesson 22 words

appointed, boiling, broiling, crayon, destroyed, disappoint, disloyal, displays, employ, fray, noises, praised, railroad, royaloty, soybean, spoiled, sprain, swaying, voices, waist.


Sometimes the words seem easy, but the lessons can be challenging. There are a lot of phonics which is why I decided to go with this program. We are liking it alot so far. One child has had books for several weeks (level E), the level D student book for my third grader is not here yet, but I have the teacher book.

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