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Kids say the darndest things

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My youngest 2 have had me laughing for days over the comments they have made the lasy few days. Some I have heard directly, some I was told about later.


Friday night Hunter slept over at grandma's. She took him out to run errands in the morning, including to a meeting she had to go to. She explaiend to him he would have to be very quiet and patient at her meeting. His response was to look out the car window at the McDonald's and say "You know...I am more patient when I have a full belly" (she bought him a happy meal while laughing at his comment).


Sunday night we had Isabelle's birthday party. As she opened up a gift she suddenly yelling "Oh. My. DOG." At first we all thought she was trying to say OMG but got it wrong, then we saw the stuffed dog at the top of the pile in the gift bag.


Yesterday afternoon ds6 was talking to the litle girl next door through her livingroom window. He wanted her to come outside and play in our van with him (something both of them know is a no-no and I do not allow it). Her mother overheard the following conversation


ds: L come out okay, and you can drive

girl: No Hunter, that makes me not feel good, and mommy say that's the Holy Ghost telling me not to do that

ds: Well I have a Holy Ghost too and I tied him up so I can go play


Earlier today Izzy learned how to shut the back patio door by herself. As she clapped her hands and cheered I said "Great job, give me five" and held out my hand. SHe proceeded to yell "No Mommy, MY five". she then held one hand still and proceeded to high five herself.


Those are the ones that come to mind, I know there has been other comments that have had me laughing so hard, but I can't remember them. WIth the stress my oldest 2 have been creating this last 5 days, I need the laughs my youngest are giving me to keep my sanity.

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My youngest 2 have had me laughing for days over the comments they have made the lasy few days. Some I have heard directly, some I was told about later.


Friday night Hunter slept over at grandma's. She took him out to run errands in the morning, including to a meeting she had to go to. She explaiend to him he would have to be very quiet and patient at her meeting. His response was to look out the car window at the McDonald's and say "You know...I am more patient when I have a full belly" (she bought him a happy meal while laughing at his comment).


Sunday night we had Isabelle's birthday party. As she opened up a gift she suddenly yelling "Oh. My. DOG." At first we all thought she was trying to say OMG but got it wrong, then we saw the stuffed dog at the top of the pile in the gift bag.


Yesterday afternoon ds6 was talking to the litle girl next door through her livingroom window. He wanted her to come outside and play in our van with him (something both of them know is a no-no and I do not allow it). Her mother overheard the following conversation


ds: L come out okay, and you can drive

girl: No Hunter, that makes me not feel good, and mommy say that's the Holy Ghost telling me not to do that

ds: Well I have a Holy Ghost too and I tied him up so I can go play


Earlier today Izzy learned how to shut the back patio door by herself. As she clapped her hands and cheered I said "Great job, give me five" and held out my hand. SHe proceeded to yell "No Mommy, MY five". she then held one hand still and proceeded to high five herself.


Those are the ones that come to mind, I know there has been other comments that have had me laughing so hard, but I can't remember them. WIth the stress my oldest 2 have been creating this last 5 days, I need the laughs my youngest are giving me to keep my sanity.



:lol::lol::lol: Those are just too cute!! hehe


ds: Well I have a Holy Ghost too and I tied him up so I can go play


Hey, I've tried to do that too! hehehe Doesn't work though. :glare:;) :D

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