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Has anyone used Christian Light Unitsgrade 7 social studies?


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If so, what's the reading like in the text? I'm looking at their text called God's World -- His Story. Could a child as young as fifth-grade use it as well?thank you much!



This is just one person's opinion, but here goes.... I normally like all CLE material - I have the 4th grade SS text (it's good) and the 5th grade Science text (love it!). I bought the 7th grade SS text off Amazon and I don't care for it. What it covers is fine, I just don't like the way it's written. Their other books are written like a story or living book, but this 7th grade text is pretty dry. I have the text and TG if you want to buy it from me cheap to see for yourself? I think I paid $10 w/ shipping for it. If you have a specific question I'll try to answer it.


If you're looking for 1 year world history I recommend Landmark Freedom Baptist Curriculum.

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