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Is there a particular order for using the Prentice Hall Science Explorer Series?

always cookin'

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I had my oldest use Chemical Building Blocks before Chemical Interactions and I've told my middle dd that she has to do the same. Other than that, they can do the books in any order.


My oldest only used it for 8th grade (was in ps for 6th and 7th). She did Astronomy, Weather and Climate, Chemical Building Blocks, and Chemical Interactions.


My middle dd has used Motion Forces & Energy, Sound&Light, Inside Earth, From Bacteria to Plants, Weather&Climate, Human Biology & Health, Environmental Science. She plans to start Astronomy next week.


I recommend the Earth science books to start with. My dd was only in 5th grade when she did the first two books on her list and they were a lot more difficult than they would have been one year later.

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