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My kids are in love with SOTW

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I bought the audio CDs of the book, and we've been listening to them in the car. Fortunately, we do a lot of driving of over 30 mins, so they get a good chunk of listening in at a time. We are almost finished with disc 3, but we've gone back and listened to a few of the sections twice, to really get it all. They love these "stories" and can't wait to hear the next ones. Then I found this Ancient Civilizations History Pocket with activities that correspond to what they are learning on the CDs. So far, we have only colored in one picture that will be the cover of their binder for the projects, and they want to know when we are going to do the next one! I'm so excited for them!

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Awesome! It's so nice to have something click so well and be enjoyable too :)


Ds (6) and I are enjoying SOTW too -- so far only one chapter down, but ds pretended to be an archaeologist on a dig yesterday, and found clues like sharp teeth (he knows it's from a meat-eater), a necklace, and a doll. He loves reading Archaeologists Dig For Clues as well.


The Audio CD is a hit here as well. Ds actually wants Jim Weiss to read to him instead of me! Go figure :)

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They are huge here as well. My son actually gets upset when he can't listen to one at bedtime.


These cd's have made history my ds's favorite subject. He will just randomly talk about the interesting things he's learned from the cd's (mostly wars.....boys!:glare:).


I'm impressed with how much history he knows from listening....he can relate current events to historical happenings and draw correlations between what is happening now and similar events in the past.


I'm thinking Jim Weiss cd's are going to be a major component of Christmas - we also have Shakespeare and Galileo, and my kids have decided that Shakespeare has the best stories!

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The Audio CD is a hit here as well. Ds actually wants Jim Weiss to read to him instead of me! Go figure :)


We are big big fans of Jim Weiss......so just wanted to be sure you're aware that Jim has narrated MANY stories. Check out his website http://www.greathall.com Your library may already have a lot of his CDs.


Also check out his travel calendar...if he'll be in your state, email and ask him if he's appearing locally. Often he gets a booking for a school or other large organization to do a Storytelling performance but he'll also schedule something at the local library or community center....and often these are free to the public. He's one of those people that is always on the go....he may have a school assembly during the day but then he'll do a library (or two) in the afternoon/evenings/weekends since he's already in town.


We half-jokingly call ourselves his groupies. He's seen us at so many things over the years that he recognizes us each year, lol.

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Thanks for the links, moms!


These cd's have made history my ds's favorite subject. He will just randomly talk about the interesting things he's learned from the cd's (mostly wars.....boys!:glare:).


Oh, yes! They love all the battles, although my younger is really confused about who is the good guy and who is the bad guy in the Gilgamesh epic.:glare:

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