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Is there such a thing? (Beosulf movie?)

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As a good documentary-style movie on Beowulf or life in Anglo-Saxon England? I'm teaching a high school course on English Lit, and have to be gone a week . . . the kids want something "fun" for the 2 hour class I will miss.


Figured you wise mamas would know . . .


Ah--I have just the thing--a DVD titled Beowulf and the Anglo-Saxons, available from Amazon. It covers lots of info about the Anglo-Saxons and starts with some rather lengthy narrated passages (in Old English and in modern English) from Beowulf. It's only one hour long, though.


Also you could try the first episode of The Adventure of English on DVD--covers the development of OE via the AS influx into Celtic Britian and includes a brief interview with poet/ translator Seamus Heaney. Also about one hour long.


And finally, also on DVD is Benjamin Bagby's "scop"-style performance of the first part of Beowulf in OE with harp; one hour as well.


I own the first two but you might try your library (unfortunately, they are not in our library system here).


Oh--one more fun thought: there's an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation that builds on the Beowulf story (45 min). I can't recall offhand which season it's from; perhaps you could find it on Wikipedia (or if Jean in Wisc is around, she might know).

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LOL! My boys are convinced I'm the nerdiest most out-of-it mom around. I actually found the new Beowulf (Jolie) movie - the uncut director's version to boot - used at the library. So....thinking that it would be nice to have a movie night showing something "classic", I purchased it. I got it home and my boys just gaped at me! "Ummm....mom? Do you know what you bought?" I was obviously supposed to answer "no", but I told them what I was thinking. Well, they informed me in no uncertain terms that we were NOT to watch that, nor were we to invite others to watch it, and we were definitely NOT to tell anyone I had bought it! It went out in the trash an short time later. I guess they had seen the previews at the theater...

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